Stay Away From Juliet.

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ℳai's pov:

I slept on the way to the burning city of Ghenna. When I woke up I was in a tiny cell, no windows, no bed, and no lamps. The only light came from the little window in the door.

Sitting up, I stretched tiredly, bones popping and muscles aching. I gently rubbed my tired eyes from under my black glasses, trying to brush away the sleepiness. Hands unclenched, ready to be popped but a light ping soon filled the air. I looked around, seeing nothing, until my eyes landed on a shinny object in the floor. Reaching down, I picked it up.

In my hand I held a ring. The shiny, silver band held the glimmers of light from the door and the aqua blue stone looked a bit purple in the red light. Little clouds were engraved into the side of the band and in them they held little hearts.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, hitting the floor and quickly evaporating. I tried to quiet my cries as I slowly slipped the ring on my finger. It fit perfectly, like this was its rightful place, like it had always been there.

[ℬegin ℱlashback]
Softly the room filled with songs of the Hysteria album by Def Lepoard as I lay on the soft, navy blue couch. The being I laid on took steady breaths, gently rising and falling. His tender heart beat filled my ear. My hands mindlessly rested on his shoulders and his on my back.

Yukio and I had been discussing a friend getting married. He popped the question and she said yes. However, she wasn't the fondest of the ring. It just trailed off from there.

"What's the point of getting the ring without her knowing? She may not like it." Yukio wondered.

"Ehh, sometimes us just gotta take the chance, ya know? Like its a surprise and if he knows her, he'll get a ring she loves." I explained.

"I'm not doing that." He declared.

"Aw, why not?" I asked, looking up at him.

"You hate surprises." He answer.

"If you know me, it won't be a surprise but a shock and I'll love it." I stated with a smile.

"Sure." He mumbled, looking away.

"Do you really think we'll get married?" I questioned, laying my head back down.

"Yeah. I mean, I can't think of any other girl I'm madly in love with." Yukio replied.

"Mmhmm." I hummed.

"Well there's this one girl but I don't think you know her." He stated.

"Oh, really now?" I inquired, looking back up again.

"Oh yeah. She's got long hair and the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." He described.

"Anything else?" I wondered.

"Great body, wonderful personality, very smart." He smirked.

"I'll buy a perfect ring for a perfect girl." Yukio added.

"Kiss her to?" I asked.

"Have everyday for the past year and a half." He declared.

Yukio leaned down, gently applying his lips to mine. Roughly I kissed back harder and tangled my fingers in his brown locks. The room seem to get hotter and I pulled back, unable to breathe.
[ℰnd ℱlashback]

Rage bubbled up from the core of my being, treating to pour over at any moment. Hot tears of sadness and anger rushed from eyes. They hit the floor, instantly rolling up into steam. My glasses got a bit foggy but it didn't matter.

Angrily I stood up, trekking over to the tall door. Standing on my tip toes, I peered out the tiny window that emitted the red glow. No one appeared to be in the hall like area, but my view was limited.

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