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ℳai's pov:

The bell rung and the class rushed out. Looking up, I noticed the time. Lunch is a happy time for all.

Pushing my glasses up, I laid the blue ink pen down. The chair slid back as I stood up. Quietly the door closed and locked.

Stuffing my hand in my pocket, I pulled out a Supplier's key. Sounds of the gears working filled the air as the key unlocked a new area.

Silently I stepped through and into the out side world. The wind blew against me, sending pieces of hair to tickle my face. My cold fingers brushed them behind my ears as I walked to the Exorcist shop.

Little chimes filled the air as I entered the building. A faint unidentifiable smell swirled around my senses, though still sweet and pleasurable. Walking up to the front desk, I waited.

"I'll be out in a second!" A soft feminine voice called.

A few seconds later the owner of that voice appeared. She stood the same hight as me with white, thigh hight socks, dark red skirt, and button up shirt on with an exorcist jacket over that. In her hands she held a light blue box.

"It's good to see you again, Shiemi." I greeted.

"You too, Mai!" The blonde girl smiled.

"Ready for lunch?" I asked.

"Totally! I made bento lunches this time. Steamed rice, beef shigureni, tamagoyaki, broccoli, and cherry tomatoes, sound good?" She said.

"Sounds great. Ah, my turn tomorrow." I declared.

"Yup." She agreed.

I followed Shiemi to a little table in the back. It has become custom for us to make lunches for each other. One day I'll make them and the next Shiemi will.

Shiemi has changed much since our days of Cram school. Her hair is about five inches longer and she's a middle second class exorcist. She's the one running the Exorcist shop too. We've become close friends, as well.

Sitting down, we began eating. I sighed at the foods wondrous taste.

"So, how are you and Yukio?" Shiemi asked.

"We're good. He's been working late but last night he came home at normal times so maybe that bad streak is broken." I answered, putting more food to my mouth.

"Well, I wish the best for you." She declared.

"Thanks. What about you? You find love in the gardens?" I wondered.

"Hehe, not yet. Only thing I find out there is Amaimon. Little hobo still loves candy." She giggled.

"Yeah, I can't believe Mephisto told you to take care of him." I chuckled.

"I know and after what happened in the forest!" She exclaimed.

After lunch, I returned to the class room. The students fell back into schedule and I began teaching. The sounds if writing filled the air as notes appeared on the board.

I began lecturing as I walked around the room. A few questions popped up but were easily explained. I think today has cleared up some of the confusion for the class.


With my things packed up, I locked up my class room. I headed down to Mephisto's office. The walk was quiet as The A Team repeated in my head.

Slowly I opened the door to the crazy man's office. A soft click of the door followed behind me. My black shoes took steady steps against the red carpet as I ventured further into the room.

Love Story. [2015 Watty Awards]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora