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                                             chapter 11

"No way! I would rather die getting staked." Caroline laughed as Tyler and she talked in the car.

"But burning alive would be more dramatic like a 'hey world I'm dying' kinda thing," Tyler said inching his hand closer to hers.

Caroline laughed and shook her head, getting out of the car and starting towards the house she was now sharing with Matt and Tyler.

Even if there was someone else she'd rather be sharing it with.

Pulling out her phone caroline decided to text him.

Caroline: hiya wolf-boy.

Big bad hybrid: never call me that again love

Caroline: but I thought I was being a whole comedian

Big bad hybrid: you are nothing of the sorts

Caroline: rUdE

Big bad hybrid: ;)

Caroline: soooo when are you gonna keep your promise and eat ice cream with me?

Big bad hybrid: oh yes love how could I forget? What about 8 o clock at my place?

Caroline: you better bring strawberry.

Shutting her phone off glumly caroline remembered their last conversation, and how she should've listened to her feelings and slammed his body against her wall, lifting her head and bring her lips to his-

Stop thinking like that caroline!

Coming back to reality caroline walked with Tyler inside the building

"Care I think we need to talk," Tyler said, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the living room.


"Look I never should have dumped you. It was a mistake and I've missed you every day since. Caroline, I love you." Tyler sped out all at once.

"Look Tyler maybe we can talk about this later but right now I have somewhere I need to go." Caroline flashed up to Tyler's room and took a pink skirt, a Lacey white top, and a jean jacket. Slipping on the new attire caroline left to go to Klaus's.

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