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chapter 4

Caroline sat at the bar with Elena and Bonnie. The main topic of conversation, boys.

Caroline had been keeping pretty quiet about how she felt for Klaus, knowing Bonnie wouldn't agree with it. Elena she thought might but she didn't wanna tell one and not the other.

"I still can't believe you dumped sweet little Stefan for the scary Damon," Caroline responded, taking one of her shots of tequila.

"Sweet but boring Stefan," Bonnie said, starting up the tradition. Every time one of them got dumped there was always a roasting session of the previous suitor.

"He also was very whiny." Caroline pointed out, "Then again whiny is better than being a rapist." Caroline whispered the last part, though Elena still heard and got whacked harshly in the shoulder.

Elena hissed angrily, "he's changed let it go."

"Whatever," Caroline responded, taking 2 shots at a bar.

"Anyway, what about you miss dating my brother?" Elena said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh stop we aren't even dating!" The dark-haired girl said, blushing red.

"That's exactly what someone dating Elena's younger brother would say." Caroline made a you got busted look while taking another shot, at this point already getting tipsy.

"What about you caroline? Ms. Scandalous hookups"

"Hey! It was one time! And honestly no regrets!" She yelled getting up from her stool, "let's dance!"

Caroline watched as the two girls playfully rolled their eyes and got up, nodding along to the song playing.

Caroline, on the other hand, was drunk and having a blast. She was moving her whole body wildly around, drinking from her glass of alcohol the whole time. Singing the lyrics loudly and dancing with random people.

"Hey, babe wanna take this outside?" A man with black hair asked, grinding against her.

"SPEAKING OF SCANDALOUS HOOKUPS!" Caroline shouted to her friends, Bonnie mouthing get it, girl.

And so the man took her outside where they continued the make-out session. Opening her eyes Caroline could only picture one person she wanted to be kissing, Klaus.

"I'm sorry I can't. I have a boyfriend." She lied, not wanting to admit she had a crush on a man who wouldn't ever love her back.

"Should've said that before slut." The man said, wiping his lips angrily.

"Watch where you tread mate."

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