chapter forty four

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"What did... what did you see?" you ask slowly. "When I... you know...?"

Sasuke turns back to face you, a dead look in his eyes.

"You," he says bluntly. "Dying. Over and over again. And I couldn't do anything about it."

You stare at Sasuke, astonished.


This seems to have caught the attention of Itachi and Naruto, who both stop talking and look up at you and Sasuke. He slowly nods, and clears his throat before continuing.

"You know, [Name], I've always liked you," he says roughly, as if he's forcing himself to speak out. You're silent as you let him continue.

"I'd always hoped you'd feel the same way that I feel about you. But I knew that it was wrong, right from the start. And now that I think about it, the more pain it put me through, knowing that some day you'd end up with Itachi and not me. Your Tsukiyomi put everything into perspective for me, [Name]. All my suffering was really highly unnecessary, and brought upon by myself. I was stupid for falling in love with you, because it only gave me pain. It was even stupider because I knew that I would never get anything in return from it, or benefit from any of it. Thank you for waking me up, [Name]. Thank you for making me see reality."

Your lip trembles as Sasuke's words crash into you.

So he did have feelings, after all.

"You're such..." You gently push his chest, making him wince. "YOU'RE SUCH AN IDIOT, SASUKE UCHIHA! DON'T EXPRESS YOUR LOVE FOR ME IN FRONT OF YOUR BROTHER, YOU BAKA!"

You thump him on the head, fuming, making Itachi and Naruto gape at you in surprise.

"Wha-?" is the only thing that escapes their lips. Sasuke, however, smirks.

"Who said I was expressing my love?" he says in that ever so cool manner of his, brushing off your attack as if it were nothing. "I was just letting you know that I'm getting over you whether you like it or not."

"Good, because I got over you as soon as I started dating Itachi," you retort, poking your tongue out at him. His eyebrows arc in surprise.


You snap your fingers in a Z formation in his face.

"Mhm, Sasuke Uchiha, you just got rejected!" you say in a ghetto voice, nodding your head. Right now, the only person who doesn't look confused is Itachi.

"Eh? So you two liked each other at the same time and didn't do anything about it?!" is Naruto's aghast input.

"He liked me first," you insist, raising your hands in the air. Sasuke rolls his eyes and leans back into his pillow.

"Geez, woman, you're so up yourself, I don't get what anyone sees in that," he says, shaking his head. You growl, a vein popping on your forehead.

"Why I oughta-"

The two of you exchange glares before Itachi steps in between you two, waving his arms around.

"Can you two not admit your love for each other right in front of my eyes?!" he says desperately. You roll your eyes and slump back into your chair.

"Whatever, I'm over Sasuke," you say with another eyeroll.

"I never liked her like that anyway."

You grin at Sasuke as he says that, and a flood of all your good memories together rushes through your mind, starting right from your Academy days.

"Whatever," says Itachi, now standing by your side. "Since he's in a good mood, might as well tell him now, yeah?"

"Oh yeah, by the way Sasuke, the next time you come back to the Land of Storms, you'll have to address me as Princess [Name]because I'll officially be the new daimyō!" you beam brightly, clasping your hands together.

"Eh? So you're staying?"

"So is Itachi," you say, poking your thumb over your shoulder at said crow.

"Yup. We've got a lot of things to get done!" he beams, putting a hand on your shoulder. Sasuke's eyes shift warily from your face to Itachi's.

"Is making seven little Uchiha heirs one of them?" he asks cautiously, causing Itachi to smirk and you to frown.

"No, and if you're gonna have an attitude like that, then you're not getting one named after you!" you say with a "hmph!", turning your nose up in the air. Sasuke rolls his eyes as Naruto comes over to your side of the room.

"Name one Naruto!" he exclaims, slipping the orange book into the pocket of his orange jumpsuit.

"If you name one of your daughters [Name] I will," you say, raising an eyebrow at the blonde. He holds his hand out to you, grinning.


You reach out and shake his hand, smirking.

"Just so you know, Naruto, you'll have to wait in the waiting line," you say. "You're probably fifth in line. Sorry bro."

"AW, WHAT?!"

"Naruto Uchiha." Sasuke frowns at the taste of the name on his lips. "Weird."

"[Name] Uzumaki," you joke, smiling. "Not so weird."

"Hey, you can't be sure that your kids will be Uchihas!" exclaims Naruto, pointing an accusing finger at your face. Itachi's fingers lace with yours, and making you smile a little.

"Trust me," he says, looking at Naruto seriously. "I'm sure."

Sasuke raises his hand from his bed.

"I second that motion," he says, nodding. You sigh and roll your eyes, trying not to smile.

"Guys, can we not decide about how many kids I'll be having and focus on the more important things right now?" you groan, releasing Itachi's hand and burying your face in your palms. Naruto clasps his hands together and sits at your feet, looking up at you.

"How about your crowning ceremony?! You've definitely got to have a flashy coronation, right?!"

"Oooh, yes, with even fancier clothes than she had at her sixteenth!"

"[Favourite colour] is your favourite colour, right, [Name]?!"

"This is so exciting, we get to dress you up all over again and plan an event ten times as grand as your sixteenth birthday!"

"Purple really brings out your mother's eye, un."

"Say, what happened to the other one-?!"

"Oh, she's getting it transplanted next week-"



You groan as the three rambling males sound like a gaggle of old aunties discussing their youngest niece's wedding, covering your ears in a futile attempt to shut them out.

"Guys-" you whine. The three of them are now deep in conversation, and there's no bringing them back.

"Cherry blossoms! Definitely cherry blossoms!"

"And she's got to have good looking ladies-in-waiting, you get what I mean?"


As you sink into the back of your chair, you can't help but smile.

𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 | itachi/sasuke uchihaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ