How He Asked You Out

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Four: You were walking down by the Chasm and you saw Four, Zeke, Lauren and another girl. They have bottles of beer on their hands and it looks like they're drunk, so you avoided him.

You were celebrating because they noticed, but Four notices you and walks close to you.

"Oh, (Y/N). Care for me to join?" His struggling to stand because of drunkness and he grabbed your shoulder for support.

"I don't think so," you said, raising your one eyebrow.

You're about to leave when Four pulled you and hugged you.

"Four.... what are you doing?" you asked blankly. You had the feeling of excitement and butterflies in your stomach. You had a crush on Four since you jumped on the net.

"Stay here with me, (Y/N)," Four mumbles under your shoulders.

You pulled away from each other and you saw Four laughs a little, which makes you think he's getting weird.

"I have to go, Four. Be careful and stay away from the edge."

When you get to stepped a few steps, Four suddenly talks behind your back.

"I like you, (Y/N)!" You cannot believe that Four, the instructor, likes an initiate like yourself. You didn't look back and he continued, "If I asked you to date me, would you say yes?"

You paused for a moment and look at him whose face is serious and sober. You smiled at him, thinking, that this is the greatest day of your life.

"Is that a serious question?" you asked to make sure what you heard was right.

Four got closer at you and push you slower into the cold walls, and pinned you on them. You stared at him dumbfounded.

"I like you, (Y/N)," he confessed. You dropped your jaw for an awed for what he said. "Be with me, Stiff!" And suddenly he kisses you and you do nothing but to kiss him back.

After pulling out for some air, you wanted to clear things with him.

"Of course, Four. So, you're my boyfriend now?" you asked questionably in a daze, he just looks at you and smiled.

"Do you like me as your boyfriend? Why not?" he said. It brought a huge smile to your face. "You should get to sleep, (Y/N). See you tomorrow," he added.

You just nodded, and head back at your dormitories and giggles because of the encounter that is stock in your mind.

Eric: You were throwing knives and Eric is watching everyone. Your first throw hits the target and Christina compliments you.

"You're kinda good at this," she said. You smiled at her and get back on what you're doing.

Another bullseye and you wonder around to see if they hit the bullseye, but only Tris and you did it. You two are the only initiates who hits the target. Then, you noticed Al was not good and Eric gets to him and muttered.

"That was pathetic." Your eyebrows raised at hearing those words.

"It slipped," Al said, you can sense him that he's nervous.

"Then go get it," Eric tauntingly urged Al to get the airborne knife and continued to talk, "Are you scared?"

"Getting stabbed by the airborne knife? Yeah." After Al said those words, Eric commanded everyone.

"Everybody, stop!" he commanded and continued to talk, "Go and stand in front of the target. You're gonna stand there while Four throws the knife at your direction. If I see you flinch, you're out."

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