When It's Your Period

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*He pampers you.
*He cuddles you and gives you kisses while telling a story on what happened to his day.
*He surprises you with a chocolate cake or muffins.
*He holds your hand and gives you support through your hardest time.


*You're brave, it's because you don't want to appear weak to the other initiates. But inside, you're dying from the pain.
*You punch anyone who gets to your last nerve, even Eric.
*He stays away from you as possible.
*Lets you sleep in peace and he doesn't bother.


*You cry a lot and sleep in his bed.
*He's scared to wake you up since you go crazy every time.
*He will give you some space but will run out and get you anything your heart desires.
*He gives you Tylenol and lets you sleep it off.


*You are moody and you do not talk to anyone. Even to Will.
*No one makes contact with you, not eye contact, and not physical contact.
*They don't even breathe near you because you will either burst into river of tears or become psychotic and scream with crazy eyes and sharp claws.


*He'll probably laughs at your misery.
*Tease you all the time so you will be mad at him.
*Will jump at your bed when you're trying to sleep the cramps in your mensual period.
*Always says, he's glad that he is not a woman and has menstrual period every month.


*You are given all types of medication by him and forced to rest and sleep.
*He'll surprise you with your favorite food and fed you.
*He wraps you with your favorite blanket and watch movies together.

SyricTW09 | SYRIC

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