Chapter Twenty

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Warning: This chapter contains blood and violence. 


I immediately kneeled down to see Barry's hand with a big slit right in the middle of it while blood was pouring out . He was getting paler by the second and his skin was getting colder. What should I do? What should I do? Questions were beginning to ring in my head. My hands were trembling while I reached near his neck to hear his pulse. Nothing . I slightly panicked by the amount of blood and I didn't know what to do. Call 911. I thought. My hands shook like crazy as I panicked. I reached into my pocket with my shaky hands and dialled 911 and put it on speaker. I put my phone on the ground, attempting CPR.

I pulled him lower, so that he is flat on the ground. "Hello, 911 what is your emergency?"

Two fingers. I got two fingers where meeting point of the ribs are and put my palm against it. I start chest compressions. Please Barry. Please, don't die. "I-I.... Blood.... Dying... Friend...."

Mrs . Stewart crawled towards Chris and she took of her shirt and tied it to his arm. "X Park! Please come! My son is dying!" I looked at how caring Mrs . Stewart was towards her son. I saw Vanessa crawling towards Mrs. Stewart with a stone in her hand.

Without thinking much, I stood up and punched her in the face. She stumbled behind, from the effects of the punch. I punched once, twice, three times? I lost count after three as I felt that Barry was misunderstood and manipulated by this person in front of me.

Her lips started to bleed and I gave her another punch before I was pulled away by an officer.

"Don't you dare ruin this !" She screamed as another officer pulled her away . The officer let go of me. I struggled with my breath as I turned to see  Chris . "No , I can't lose someone I care about again . " as I watched helplessly while Mrs. Stewart was comforted by her friend .

"Chris, fight it . Don't lose this battle ." I whispered as I clutched my chest. I heard the paramedic say that he didn't have a pulse . They did CPR and defibrillated him . My heart fell to the ground . "Don't die ." As tears welled in my eyes . They defibrillated him a second time and he got a steady pulse. I now know what my ambition is going to be . I am going to be a doctor.

I am now sitting on the chair next to Barry. He lost a lot of blood and got a blood transfusion. He was stable but just didn't regained consciousness yet. I sighed as I leaned against the chair. Mrs. Steward was giving her testimony outside about what happened and I was going too. The door opened and I saw someone.

That I did not expect to see

My eyes widened as I saw Barry's brother. Wait, what was his name again? He locked eyes with me and put a finger on his lips, signalling me to be quiet. He stared at his brother with stern but caring eyes.

"How did you-?"

"I have my ways. Heard from my friend that he was here. Just, didn't expect it to be this bad."

"Oh.. Ok.. I'll tell Barry later that you dropped-"

"No, don't."


The door opened and the police officer waved her hand to signal me being next to be giving my testimony.


11 years later

"There." I said as I pointed him out in my yearbook photos. Chris Steward, the name I haven't seen in a long time. I wonder how he is now. He shifted school after recovering from his injuries and after everything has been resolved. Vanessa was admitted into a mental institute after the court ruled her with mental disability and therefore can't be in jail. I and Mrs. Steward had to testify at court as witnesses for what I've experienced when Barry was 'severely injured'. They ruled it as attempted murder because they found a drug in his system.

I closed the book and sighed. I just went for Ronnie's funeral yesterday. His parents blamed me for the death of their son. They said that I dragged him into this dangerous job. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have died.

I grabbed my keys as I drove towards STAR Labs. It was quite broken down due to the particle acceleration explosion and I think that it needs a renovation. I park my vehicle in the underground car park and walk towards the lift to go to the cortex.

The lift gave a small 'ding', telling me that I reached the floor I needed to be in. "Hey Cisco."

"Hey Caitlin." He said, while sipping his coffee he got from Jitters. "Wells wants to meet you."


"Welcome." And he continued sipping his coffee.


"Dr Wells?"

He turned his wheelchair around and looked at me through his glasses. "Ah, Caitlin."

"We have a patient coming in-" he checked his watch. " a minute."

I took off my coat and began gathering my medical supplies. "Patient is 24 years old, 6 feet 2  and has been in a coma for a month now, we suspected that he was affected by the particle accelerator explosion."

"How?" I asked.

"Stuck by lightning."

I stared at him in disbelief as to how this patient survived being stuck by lightning.


I turned towards my left and saw paramedics bringing a stretcher in. I moved aside as they place the stretcher in the middle of the cortex. "What is his pulse?"

"75 beats per minute and his BP is 70/110. He is stable for now."

"Ok." I hooked the IV to the pole and thanked the paramedics. I finally take time to breathe as I took a glance at the patient.

"Barry?" I gasped as I finally noticed the patient right in front of me.

We meet again..   


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