Chapter Eight

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"We should start this new year with a new beginning."

Those words melted Caitlin's heart as soon as Barry had said it. She sat across from him at the table, her hands tapping the table. "Since you said so, let's introduce ourselves again." She said while placing her right hand on her cheek, looking at him lovingly.

"Hi, I'm Barry Allen." He held out his hand at her, with his cute grin spread across his face. Caitlin lifted her head and shook Barry's hand. "Caitlin Snow."

Both of them sat down, facing each other with a awkward silence between them. Just then, Barry's phone rang. "Oh, alright. I'll be right there." Barry stood up, holding his phone in one hand and running his other hand through his hair. He looked as if he was in a rush to head out. The party had just started and he was leaving. He turned to face Caitlin and he told her.

"See you next year!" he half shouted. Caitlin formed a small smile as she waved him goodbye. As soon as the door clicked, signalling he had already left, Caitlin sank in her chair. "I thought he was never going to forgive me." She said as she placed on hand on her forehead and let out a sigh.

"See you next year, Barry Allen." She whispered as she knew she had missed him so much from the past year.
Caitlin went to school happily knowing that everything had been resolved. She skipped happily to class to find a beautiful new girl with a crowd of boys surrounding her.

Caitlin stopped midway and was curious to know who this new girl is. She walked slowly and peeked in the crowd. Luck was not really on her side though. The height difference. She took a peek at the girl. Three words. She. Was. Gorgeous.

Caitlin was shocked. Why would a girl like her come to our school? Caitlin gasped with her mouth wide open and covered it with her mouth before anyone thinks that she is weird or disgusting. Caitlin walked on to class, her eyes not leaving the beautiful girl. Caitlin almost bumped into the teacher and had to apologise for her recklessness.

Caitlin took two big steps and stopped. I will never be able to be as pretty as her. She sighed. She was about to walk to class as she felt a feeling to turn around. She did as her instincts told her and saw him. Barry Allen. She furrowed her eyebrows as she wondered why he was just standing there. She looked at the direction where Barry was staring at and saw her.

He's interested in her too? She sighed. Guys. She shook her head as she walked on to class. She saved a spot for him like they used to do. But, it looks like he haven't come yet. Weird. She thought. She had just saw him moments earlier.

She rattled her fingers on the table and bit her lower lip. No way. She shook her head as she tried to shrug off that thought.

Just as she thought, Barry came in with smiles talking to that new girl that she already didn't like.

I am so so sorry that this chapter is so short. I couldn't think of anything and my dad is staring at me writing every single alphabet so that after I finish this I have to go study. I am sorry again for waiting this long for a chapter this short.

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