Chapter Eleven

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Caitlin POV
I woke up bright and early, kinda excited and kinda scared at the same time. I checked the clock. 5:30 a.m. . On usual days, I wouldn't even wake up this early. I ruffled my hair as I slid into my slippers and walked to the bathroom. The satisfying sound of it against the floor makes me think that everything is going to be okay. I brush my teeth and check the list over again. Toothbrush, toothpaste, shirts, pants. And some other stuff. Looks like I got everything.

I walk back to the bathroom and continue brushing my teeth. Oh yeah, my comb. How can I forget that? At least with a comb my hair wouldn't be all over the place. I spit out the toothpaste and place my comb into my bag. Looks like I got everything.

I chose my outfit, wore my shoes and got my bag ready. I checked my watch. 5:57. Good. Just in time. I turned off the lights in my room as I walked down the stairs. I saw my dad standing at the front door. Aww, how sweet of him. He hugged me. Warm and comfy. "Have a great trip." He said, caressing my hair. My dad was so much more taller than me. I smiled, knowing he's there to wave me goodbye. My mom however, was so interested in her work to even notice anything.

I was still in his embrace when I heard a honk outside. Must be Felicity. I pull out from his embrace and gave him a smile. "Bye dad. See you soon." I turned the knob and turned around. I waved him goodbye. I then got into the car.

"Hey Felicity." She said, smiling. She ate a sandwich, for she just got up in time to get ready. The ride to camp was fun, we had a girl chat and talked about boys. And Felicity talked about her tech stuff which I don't really understand. And we finally reached.

Ah, the campgrounds. Nothing like fresh air and the sound of flowing waters. I held my bag close to me and hopped out of the car. I took a deep breath of fresh air and opened my arms to feel the wind in my face. I closed my eyes and became one with the wind.

I got quite a shock when Felicity called me. "Hey Caitlin," she said, in a low whisper. "Yeah?" I hummed, still closing my eyes.

"What are you doing?" She asked. I opened my eyes and turn around to look at her. I saw all the other kids from my school staring at me as if I grew a second head. I immediately put down my hands. My face turned red and I was embarrassed. Like very embarrassed.

I dragged Felicity along with me as I sat down on the grass. I avoided everyone there. I only had to get everyone else to look away for a moment. I noticed that Felicity looked behind. She then nodded. "Let's go."

I saw Barry carrying loads of stuff. Man, his aunt is really worried for him. "Hey Chris." I say. He out his bags down and gave a big sigh.

"Aunt told me to get these stuff." He said, catching his breath. I gave a small chuckle. "Looks like your aunt really cares about you." I said. Felicity just gave a small smile.

"Wait, where are we supposed to go?" He asked, looking around. Looks like everyone had left. Suddenly, Felicity shook my shoulder. "There." She pointed. "We have to go there."

The talk was quite boring. The teacher said that we should not go anywhere without notifying a teacher, don't do this, don't do that. We were also supposed to learn about leadership skills and group work or something. I could only remember don't go anywhere without notifying a teacher.

We were then told to introduce ourselves. I was paired up with Michael, The new girl's boyfriend. "Miss you so much already, Jessica." He whispered. I held onto my bracelet, the one that dad gave me, trying not to lose my temper.

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