Chapter Ten

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Barry went home. The moment he opened the door, he was welcomed by the smell of Mac and Cheese. He closed the door slowly as he walked to the kitchen. "Hi uh-, should I call her aunt or mom? He thought. "Aunt Maddie." He slowly said.

"Oh hi!" She smiled, looking at him. "Joe told me you liked Mac and cheese." He sat down slowly as he put his sling bag down. She scooped out a bowl of it and put it on the table. He held the cutlery in his hands, wondering if he should take a bite or not. Maddie took her bowl of Mac and cheese and sat next to him, arms crossed. She wanted to see how he would react. He hesitated taking a bite but he did it anyway.

His eyes immediately lit up with satisfaction. "Hmm, this is how-"
"Mom used to make." They said together. He giggled. Maddie smiled.

She had asked Joe the night before since she saw that he was always sad all the time. She was happy that even the smallest things can make him happy. That's all she could do after what he went through.

"So, how was school?" She asked, taking a bite of it. She was shocked. Joe wasn't kidding when he said that this was  Grandma Ester's most famous recipe. No wonder. "It was good." He stated simply.

Caitlin suddenly crossed his mind. "Aunt Maddie," he said, slowly. Aunt Maddie took a bite and nodded to ask Barry to continue. "Can I go for camp next week?" He said, holding firmly onto his cutlery.

"Yeah, sure." She said, getting up. "When is it?"
"Tuesday to Thursday. Three days, two nights." Barry said, eyes shining with interest. Once Maddie took a look at him, she immediately agreed.
     "Fine." She said.

Barry was elated. He couldn't keep his excitement. He had never been to a school camp before, well, first time without Sebastian. He was always more confident when he was with Sebastian. Would he be better or worse without him?


"Mom? Dad?" Her voice echoing in the hallway. Her mom was a workaholic, so she would be at work. Her dad was a chemist but he should be at home by now, he always cared about family time.

Caitlin sighed. She was closer with her dad. She never really had a good relationship with her mom, her mom was always at work. It seemed like her mom never really cared about her.

She left the camp form at the table. Reminding herself to ask her dad to sign it later. She got a text from Barry. She smiled as soon as she read it.

Barry/Chris : Aunt let me go to camp. I'm so happy!! Can't wait to go!!XD

She pressed the buttons slowly to type a reply.

Caitlin: That's great!! I'll have to ask my dad first.

She sighed. Putting down her phone. Yeah, where is dad? She wondered, rubbing her chin. She heard some rumbling and mumbling sounds coming from her dad's laboratory. She slowly walked there and saw him working on some serum.

"Dad?" She called out. The sound of things crashing became louder. His head then popped out of no where, with his safety glasses on.
"Caitlin?" He asked, holding his serum in one hand. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he put down his serum and removed his gloves, going towards her to give her a hug. "How was school?"

"School was great." She said. "Uh dad, there would be a camping trip this Tuesday, can I go?" She asked. Wondering what he would say.
" Yeah sure. Just leave it over there." Pointing to the table. He immediately began working on his serum again. Whatever the serum was for, it must have been important. She had never seen him so dedicated in doing a new serum before.

She walked out, thinking what she would pack for the camping. Some snacks maybe? Extra set of clothes and etc. She was so excited although the trip was a week later.


Everyone up is talking about camp. Caitlin knows not everyone is interested but since that new girl was going, everyone wanted to go. And it seems like she had been close, like very close with Michael these few weeks. They are perhaps a couple by now. It looks like some of the guys have given up hope on ever being with her and some of them just following her around.

She kept staring at them that she didn't know she had bumped into someone. "Oof, sorry." She said, mumbling into his chest. He used his hand and pushed her away. Rude, she thought. She turned around to see a boy with a black blazer and walking confidently. "He looks familiar." She mumbled.

She then bumped into another guy. "Sorry." He said. She looked up. "Barry." She exclaimed. "Yo, what's up?" He said, holding her. "I-I'm fine. Thank-" she suddenly turned to look at him. "Since when do you talk like that?" She asked.

"Uh, I don't know." He rubbed his nape. He gestured to her for them to submit the form. They put theirs together.

"Excited?" She asked. "Uh yeah. You know, it's been a long time since I went camping." He said. Barry  looked to his side. "See you later then." He said, before walking into class.

"See you." She said, more like a whisper. She then headed to class. She sat down next to Felicity who was busy with her computer stuff. "Again?" Caitlin asked. "Why do you like computers so much?"

   "You know, it's interesting to see how everything works. Like the human body." She said before looking at the faces of people that created some sort of tech stuff. "Hey." Caitlin nudged Felicity. "Are you going for camp?" She asked.

  "Yeah. Although I could have more time to do more stuff at my home. But mom insisted I go." She said, sadly.
"What did you pack?" Caitlin asked. "Some solar chargers so that I could still use my phone and some other tech stuff."

Felicity said, taking out her notebook. "Hey, could your mom fetch me too for camp?!" Caitlin asked, knowing her own mom's busy schedule and not wanting to make things difficult for her dad.

"Yeah sure. At 6 a.m.?" She asked, texting her mom. "That's fine with me." She stated, sighing.

She can't wait for camp to come she just wished that the day would come faster.

Unedited. Omg.. 882 reads??!!!! Thank you guys so so much!!!!!! Luv you all.... Can't imagine that many reads.... Ahhhhh!!!! How is the chapter? Is it too weird or something? I hope you guys enjoyed it. :)


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