Chapter Two

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Barry's POV
Mom's gone. The truth that I had tried to forget came back stronger. Mom is dead. She's gone and she's never coming back. Hot tears streamed down my face. I turned to see my brother, Sebastian blankly staring into space. He said something. If I wasn't this hurt and broken. I would have asked him what he said. I was staring at him when I felt a blanket being thrown over my shoulder. I turned around in shock to find Joe giving a lukewarm smile.

"Thanks " those words came out empty, and lacking of emotion. I snuggled into the blanket to keep me warm."Bear," he held my shoulders. I wasn't in the mood to talk, but willing to listen to whatever he said."I had discussed with Iris, and-" he swallowed hard. "I am going to foster care you and Bas. " he's face was glowing with this kind of warm news around him. I nodded. I am going to find out who killed mom . Just not now .

Sebastian glared towards us . He stormed towards me and Joe . He yanked Joe's hand from my shoulder . I rubbed my shoulder . I have never seen him like that . "Joe ," those words came out with force. It didn't seem like the Sebastian I know. "I want to stay with uncle Smythe. Not here ." He eyes shifted to me . "Not with him ." He pointed towards me. My eyes widened. Why wouldn't he want us to live together ? Why he doesn't want to live with me ? What has gotten into him? What happened between us?

I was shocked. I couldn't say anything. "Sebastian , why-" I saw Joe's face with worry written all over it. "I don't think I can live with him anymore ." Sebastian interrupted Joe. I knew Sebastian. He would always get what he wants. "Okay . Since we're not really in the mood to fight, I send you to uncle Smythe. " Sebastian just nodded and glared at me. What is wrong with him? Why is he doing this to me? What went wrong? Joe walked out of the house. Iris came down and walked towards me. "Barry, " she said and hugged me. I smiled and looked at her. "Looks like we're gonna be brother and sister." She turned her head towards Sebastian. "What about him? "She said. I stared at his face. I stared at the floor and sighed.

"Looks like he hates me. He's going to stay with uncle Smythe." I said. Feeling even more sad that my brother doesn't want to stay with me. I try to look at him. To try and understand him better. But all he gives me is his cold stare. As if he was threatening me if I were to say anything. Joe comes back. "Let's come to my house." He looked at me and at Sebastian. "I know you want me to call uncle Smythe but not today. I call him tomorrow." He looked at Sebastian who just nodded. Joe signalled his hand in which means that we have to follow him. We followed him to the car. The car ride to Joe's house felt very awkward.

No one wanted to say anything. Joe looked at Sebastian and me from the rear mirror and said kinda in a lively tone." Hey, what you guys wanna eat? Pizza?" He giggled and hummed his favourite song. I took a peek at Bas who was still not saying anything. I sighed. "We don't feel like eating anything." I answered back. My stomach then grumbled. Very very bad timing. Joe lifted one eyebrow and looked at me from the rear mirror. "Pizza then." I chuckled awkwardly and I turn to look at Bas. I still wasn't used to his distancing character.

We finally arrived after that exhausting ride. Joe opened the door and asked us to sit on the sofa. Iris sat next to her dad while I and Sebastian sat on one sofa while Bas kept a distance between us. Joe frowned and said "I know you have been through this traumatising moment, and" he paused . He didn't know what else to say. "I need you to understand. Although your lives will never ever be the same again, you still need to move on." He said with his calm and understanding voice. Just then, the bell rang. The pizza that Joe ordered on the phone while in the car came. He glanced towards me and Bas and said "We'll continue this later." He answered the door and got the pizzas. Iris felt bad. She said :"I'm sorry."

Sebastian looked at her. "It's okay." Finally.. He said something after he's long moment of silence. Joe came back to us with the pizzas. The pizzas were delicious. I just hoped that this moment could be longer.

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