Chapter four

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Chris POV (Barry)
My next lesson is maths. I have never felt like that in my life. The way she brushed her hair to her side and her eyes oh my, I could feel those eyes piercing right through me. I could feel my ears turn red and I hoped she didn't notice. I wished that I could stare at her beautiful face longer but sadly the bell rang, separating us.

Now, I am stranded in the hallway. Not knowing where to go. A piece of paper flew with the gentle breeze that came in through the gaps of the door. I know my first lesson is maths, but where do I go? I walk quietly so that I would not disturb the other classes as I walk by. I peeked in to see what the teacher was teaching and it doesn't look like maths. As I was about to walk away, I saw her again.

Caitlin Snow. Her skin as fair as snow. She was concentrating in her class and I like how studious she is. I sadly walk away knowing that I wouldn't get a chance to be in class with her. I walk to the class next door and the teacher welcomed me warmly in her class, like she was expecting me.


Recess. The first day in school and I have not made a single friend. Except Caitlin of course. I won't know whether she is my friend or my crush. Would she still want to talk to me? Where is she anyway?

I sat in the corner of the cafeteria. I saw her. I saw Caitlin walking with a blond haired girl, had her hair tied into a pony tail, wearing a red sweater and had rectangle black glasses. I guess that she's Caitlin's best friend. Caitlin looked around the cafeteria. She seems to be looking for something, or someone. Could she be looking for me? I blushed at that thought. Don't get your hopes up, Allen. I said to myself.

I may be having the name as Chris Stewart, but inside I am still Barry Allen. I tried to avoid looking at Caitlin so that she will not think that I am a weirdo or something. But, I could hear her pointing towards me and walking towards me. No, she's probably gonna walk past me. No, she is talking about someone else. No, maybe-. She pulled me out of my thoughts by standing right in front of me with her sweet smile.

I can't help but admire her. "Can we sit here?" She asked with her angelic voice. "Y-yeah. Sure." I stuttered stupidly. Why did I stutter? She took a sit and asked her friend to sit too. "Chris, this is my friend, Felicity."

I looked at Felicity and smiled. "Chris, Chris Steward." I reached out my hand for a handshake. "Felicity Smoak." She shook it.

I glanced back at my food and ate it. It was quite awkward for our first meeting. Felicity whispered something to Caitlin. Caitlin then giggled. What could be so funny? I just smiled. I just couldn't keep my eyes off Caitlin. She was gorgeous.

I didn't know that anyone could be as beautiful as her. I didn't realise I was staring at her until she tapped my shoulder. "Chris?" Her soft calming voice called me. "Yeah?" I answered.

She put her hand on her mouth to try to stop laughing. She pointed to my t-shirt that has one scoop of pudding sliding down. It must have been when I was staring at her and dropped the pudding on my shirt. Shit. I gave a little laugh and took the tissue to take it off.

I stood up with my tray and went to take the tray away. Felicity followed me right after. I saw a banana peel on the floor and walked over it. Meanwhile, Felicity who was right behind me and winking to Caitlin for what ever reason didn't see it.

I turned around just in time to catch her. One hand is holding her waist and one hand is holding my tray. There was a few seconds of awkwardness between us. We were interrupted by an angry Caitlin with light blue eyes. Wait, I thought she had brown eyes. That's strange. I thought. She hit her fist on the cafeteria table which made people stare at us.

I let go of Felicity and Caitlin blinked and walked away, with tears in her eyes. I felt my heart shatter to pieces.

Caitlin POV
I felt a tinge of jealousy flow within me and I felt that I kinda lost control back then. Before I know it, I punched the table and her taking over me for that spilt second. I couldn't remember the moment when I punched the table but the moment I got control, I saw my fist on the table and saw people staring at me. Did he see my transformation? Way to go Caitlin, let your secret crush know your secret.

I ran to the halls and cried. This had never happened to me before. Where was dad when I need him? Just then, I heard footsteps right behind me. I immediately knew who it was. "Caitlin." His voice made my heart melt immediately. I wanted to go to him and tell him that I like him. Is it too early? Like yeah cuz I'm only 11 years old.

Is it only me that feels this way? Is this what they call love? Or is it just one sided because only I like him? Too many thoughts were running through my head at that moment. He grabbed my hand, and pulled me to face him.

"It's not what you think." I could hear the sincerity in his voice. It was real. But does he have feelings for Felicity and not me? My best friend? Maybe I shouldn't have told her in class. Now, I am involved in a love triangle.

"Chris, do you like her?" Those words just slipped out of my mouth. I mentally slapped myself for saying that. He bit his lip and looked towards the floor, avoiding me. Does this mean that he really likes her? Tears were starting to form in my eyes as I thought that. "Sorry, those words just slipped out of my mouth." He impatiently said,

"Caitlin, I-" he stuttered. I was impatiently waited for his answer. I needed his answer. "I think I like yo-" we were interrupted by the stupid bell. He said something that I couldn't hear because the bell was too loud. Why? "Good bye." I said and marched away.

Man, was I too mean? Why did I do that? Why did HE do that? Well technically so that's she couldn't fall but what do I feel in me? What did he want to say to me? "I like your hair" or "I like your smile" or "I like you" I giggled at that last one. No, what are the chances of my crush liking me? Like around 0.001 percent that comes true.

No way, no way he likes me back. Now that he knows my secret about um her, my other personality, would he fear me? Would he hate me? Would he abandon me for seeing that?

I marched into class to find Chris Steward sitting right next to my spot. Why did I have to be in the same class as him throughout science period? I sighed.

I took a seat next to him and would occasionally take a few peeks at him. He didn't say anything. Awkward. The teacher was babbling on about some project at that would need a science partner. Oh my gosh, I hope the teacher doesn't choose me and Chris after what I did earlier. Marching off and not wanting to listen to him.

I kept my fingers crossed and wished that the teacher would not call me and him as partners. I closed my eyes as she called out the names. "Steve and George." Please. "Ann and Ming." Anyone but Chris.

"Julianne and Shaun."

"Mike and Sarah."

"Shane and Kevin." Caitlin bit her lower lip. Please, please.

"And lastly Chris and Caitlin."

I felt as if I had lost a war. I was partners with Chris Steward. Man, this is gonna be a long week.

Hi! What do you think of this chapter? I don't think that this chapter is nice. Sorry, I'll make the next chapter better.. Thanks for reading! Edited. Thanks @billieeilishsnow for telling about the mistake. Sorry.. It's not a update.. The update is coming soon..

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