Devlin Summers' POV (Fire)

Start from the beginning

"I'm fine" I say as convincingly as I can.

She whimpers slightly and puts her head down.

As I reach over to pet her she leans into my touch "It's ok girl, this wasn't your fault" I say referring to my eye, "you protected me as best you could, just like you've been protecting me these games."

She whimpers again softly.

As I scratch behind her ears I hear what sounds like two people fighting from behind us. Instinctively I want to spring up, but my body won't allow me as I feel soreness all over from our fight yesterday. Slowly I get up and steady myself against the trunk of the tree I was leaning up against. I reach down and find the dagger under my sleeping bag. I strap it onto my belt and keep my hand on the hilt of the blade as I slowly approach the noise.

As I walk towards the noise, I hear Sapphire close behind me creeping along making sure we don't get attacked from behind. We keep at this pace until we suddenly hear a shriek. My eyes go wide and speed up to the fastest speed that my body, bruised and battered will allow. We break into a clearing and in the middle kneels Cherry her body hunched over clinging to a bloody knife with her shaking hands. Next to her are two bodies. The one that she isn't hunched over is clearly Callisto her intestines spill out of her open stomach as a gurgling sound escapes her bloodied mouth.

As I approach Cherry's hunched over form I hear a soft sobbing and as I grow closer I see why. I fall to my knees next to Cherry as I look down at Elaine's body. There is a knife sticking out of her chest and the leaves spread on the ground around her a red with her blood. Her eyes those striking green circles always full of life are slowly fading. She reaches her hand out to me and I take it, Cherry moves out of the way as I move closer to Elaine. Cradling her head I feel tears roll freely down my face, rolling over my scarring.

"I love you, oh God, I love you." I whisper over and over again as I rock back and forth. Elaine tries to say something but the only thing that comes out of her mouth is blood. I kiss her hair again and again and I watch as her lips curl up into a small smile before they go lifeless. I watch as her eyes stop shimmering with life and leave no emotion behind as her life fades away.

I stay like this for a while, hunched over Elaine cradling her head. I hear Cherry's rhythmic sobbing behind me the whole time. Sapphire sits next to me staring down at Elaine, she whimpers loudly licking Elaine's hands as if trying to bring her back to life. Slowly and carefully I put her head back on the ground and close her eyelids. In a matter of seconds my emotions change as a rage smashes into me like a wave. I turn around and zero my stare on Cherry. She looks up at me with terror in her eyes.

I walk up to her and pick her up by her collar. I had almost forgotten how small she was, how I could easily snap her in half at any moment.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!" I scream at the top of my lungs, shaking Cherry violently. As I shake her she drops the knife in her hand.

"Didn't have time to react..." she says trailing off and murmuring the rest.

I throw her down on the ground violently and stand over her.

"WHAT... DID... YOU...DO?" I scream again and she snaps back into this universe.

"Elaine said we needed food so I decided that I could go find berries, I didn't tell anyone because I was tired of causing you all trouble. When I was picking the berries Callisto came out of nowhere she lunged at me, but Elaine had followed me to make sure I didn't get into trouble." She pauses to take a breath and then continues.

"She lunged in between me and Callisto and the knife hit her, I watched her fall... and then I stabbed Callisto in the stomach and gutted her." At this point she breaks down in tears again and I slowly calm down, I turn away from her and fall to the ground again, suddenly feeling very tired.

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