Chapter 4 - Revelation

Start from the beginning

"Young Midoriya, I only said what is true at that time. You can only get yourself in danger if you still pursued being a hero." All Might argued. He knows that it was the best for the child at that time, but now he regrets it. He should've just gave the kid some hope back then, instead of flatly shoving the facts on the kid's face.

"So it is okay for me to be a villain? Lucky you I have been one. " Izuku said, chuckling low.

"You can change yourself for the better. You can stop being the villain and fulfill your dream. It was not too late to change." All Might tried to coax, hoping that the kid can return back to the light. He regrets his decisions at that day, and he'll do everything just to make sure that he can straight the kid's path. But he knows he can't. Not if the kid doesn't want to.

"Can't fulfill it now that I'm a villain. People will just say - "How can you trust a hero that is once a villain?" People will not trust me anyway so why bother?" Izuku lamely spoke, flailing his hands and slumping in his chair. By that, some realized that this kid didn't look like a villain. It looked like a broken child. They wanted to help the boy, but he almost look like he is beyond saving.

"Just because I didn't have a quirk at that time I can't be a hero, All Might? Even Kacchan said that I should just swan dive off the roof and pray that I'll have a quirk. And so I did!" The kid yelled, as a tear escaped his eye. Nezu was shocked by this revelation, as he connected the pieces that this Kacchan was a student in 2-A. More specifically a blonde with an explosive personality just like his quirk, Bakugou Katsuki. He was late to catch it, but it now made sense to him. To say that Nezu being frustrated is an understatement because Heroes are supposed to give hope to children, not to push them to the edge like his student and All Might did. On Aizawa's side, well now everything fits. He knew that Bakugou somehow influenced the kid to go astray, but to know that an aspiring hero and a pro hero suicide baited a kid and crushed the kid's dream respectively, even if it is a pipe-dream, and this infuriated him. The other teachers fell quiet, as the weight of the words began to settle.

He attempted suicide. And there are no heroes at that time to save a hurting child. Some clenched their teeth and fists in frustration. This villain is a child. A child that was broken just because society failed him.

"But I did not die, unfortunately. I was caught by these two. At least they cared for me, when the time I need saving. Who knows that the one who will save a hopeless child is not the heroes but the villains? As Kacchan said, after that attempt, I got a quirk. How lucky am I that the day I had it I almost killed myself because I lost control." He added, now more calm but something is on the boy's mind. It's a silent rage, at the society he'd been unlucky to live in, and at himself, for being too weak. He can't help but direct the anger at this heroes, after all they're part of this society too.

"So as a villain, I repaid the favor of what you did to me All Might. Crush everyone's hope and dreams. Give them despair and nightmares. So the day I jumped off that roof, Midoriya Izuku died. What you see in front of you is a dead body, a shell of once he was." Izuku spat coldly, while he got a knife from his secret pocket and threw the knife, intentionally missing it as it flew to All Might. Everyone on the room stiffed, and was ready to fight whenever he did it again. Izuku fished another knife in his pocket, and it shocked everyone as he then held the knife by its blade, his blood seeping out of it. What happened next shocked them more.

He then slided to the floor, with tears flowing out of his eyes. He covered his face by his hands, which made the knife accidentally slice his face. But it seems he didn't feel the pain.

On the other side of the room, Recovery Girl hissed but made no move. On the other hand, Dabi and Toga immediately went to help him, even though they had cuffs in their hands. They sat beside him, and rubbed his back in hopes to comfort him. They know its futile to get that knife out when he is breaking down, that's ordering for disaster.

"You know that being quirkless can really change your perspective in life. I endured the discrimination and the condemnation I received, heck I was almost got killed by Kacchan if I didn't get home that fast one time. My mom was killed because I was weak enough. I can't be a hero because I didn't have a quirk and the time I got a quirk I jumped off the roof just as Kacchan said. Who even knows that when the time I got a quirk, is the villainous quirk of all time? I really, really hate it, but luckily it didn't kill people when I used it. They only became like me when I was a kid." Izuku said as he sobbed while gritting his teeth, wiping his tears with his hand without the knife. He then dropped the knife, and put his knees unto his chest.

This got the minds of the people in the room rolling, as they didn't get what the kid said. But then Nezu and All Might realized what the kid said, with the latter having his heart stop for a moment. They stepped nearer at the kid. Dabi and Toga hissed at them, but didn't do anything to get them away from Izuku.

"You know, I don't blame anyone for anything. Not even Bakugo. I just hate the fact that I was so weak that I was even given this cursed quirk. I should just go to jail and die... Actually I even wonder why I was born. If I haven't been born, would that make it easier for the world? Not having a heir that can rule underground? " Izuku mumbled under his breath, but Nezu, All Might and his two friends heard it. That just confirmed the two heroes suspicion, and All Might gulped.

"Young Midoriya, I believe you're confusing everyone in the room. So can you just answer my question to confirm it, okay?" All Might said calmly, as he now knew that the kid had a quirk that can endanger people if not helped. He then placed a hand on the kid's shoulder. Izuku flinched, but didn't made a move to put the hand away.

Izuku took a deep breath and nodded, before looking at the hero.

"Is your quirk, All for One?" All Might questioned.

Izuku nodded again, clearing the questions of the teachers as they saw the kid tearing up again.

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