"You obviously don't know how hard it is for him to keep secrets. When we were in high school, I told him I had a crush on Minnie and he told her. He said he couldn't hold it in. And sure, it led to a nice relationship, but friends don't do that. Louis does." Violet tells the brunette.

"Well he learned from his mistakes because he seemed to keep some of my secrets hidden from all of you," Clementine stated.

"Big mistake. I'm going to peer pressure him into talking and he's going to succumb, just wait and see." Vi said as Clem rolled her eyes.

The sandwiches were finished and they had each taken at least one sip from the wine and Violet had gotten up.

"C'mon. I have more planned for you." Violet said and grabbed Clem's hand. Leading her to another secret area where Clem would have to just shut up and follow. The curiosity blooming in her mind as she watched the blonde tug on her arm to pull her to their next spot.

It didn't take long for something to enter the amber eyes line of sight. Watching couples and families sliding around a rink. Clementine smiled like a child on Christmas day.

"Ice skating?" Clementine asked Vi intriguingly.

"What? It's what couples do all the time here. During winter you get your partner and skate around arm in arm. I think it's very nice." Violet said.

"You are showing a much more fun side to you every day I get to be with you," Clementine said.

"No. I'm just romantic." She joked and grabbed a pair of ice skates from the front desk. Collecting her shoe size, which Clem did also.

"Is now a good time to say that I've never ice skated before?" Clem said nervously as she removed her shoes and slipped on the ice skates.

"It's easy. It's just like roller skating, just on ice." Violet told her, adjusting the straps on the boots.

Clementine put the shoes on and looked back at the ice rink. Everyone laughing and skating around the ice, hand in hand with their partner. She looked back at Violet, her blonde hair covering her face as she adjusted the shoes to fit her.

When Violet was done, she brushed her hair away from her face and looked at the brunette. "Caught'ya." She said, Clementine breaking out of her staring.

A blush creeping in on her face as she looked down in embarrassment. After Clementine took her turn to put her ice skates on her feet they rose from the bench, where they sat.

Violet took Clementine's hand and helped her reach the entrance to the ice rink. She eased the brunette onto the ice and slowly let herself on the ice as well.

"Okay, if you ever remember roller skating, it's the same concept. Just slide your feet on the ground." Violet said and Clementine tried doing just that. But instead of going anywhere, she fell straight onto her butt.

Violet silently laughed as she took her hand and hoisted her back to her feet. Violet held Clem's hand firmly and began gliding on the ice. And to the brunette's surprise, they were moving.

Even though she was just holding her balance to where Violet was going. She felt a small achievement in that fact.

Violet skated one lap around the outer rink with Clem just sliding along. Violet decided to give her sort of a push as she let go of her girlfriend's hand.

Clementine began to shake at the loss of contact with her partner's hand. And as she tried to pick herself up, her legs started to kick. Eventually, Clementine was gliding on ice. It was sloppy and crooked, but she was moving.

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