Attack On Kuroshitsuji~ Part 3

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Yawning, Claire stretched and got out of bed, putting her scouting legion jacket over the rest of her uniform.

She then returned her boots to her feet and went to breakfast, the Becca Titan still on her mind.

"Hey Claire!" Came a familiar voice.

"Oh, Ciel," Claire turned and smiled.

"Commander Erwin wants to talk to you about the titans we saw the other day . . ."

Claire sighed, nodded at Ciel and went to the commander's office.

~The report isn't that important so~

Claire exited the commander's office and saw Hanji approaching her.

'Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me,'

"Hey, Claire!" Hanji waved.

Claire stopped and sighed, "Hi Hanji~"

"You just gave your report to Commander Eyebrows!? Oh! I was supposed to be there... You wouldn't mind filling out another report for me?"

"Can't you just ask the commander for my report?" Claire sighed.

"Well, what's the fun in that?" Hanji said, looking a little confused.

Claire rubbed her forehead, "I've got to go, Hanji. Sorry I can't help."

Hanji frowned and went to the commander's office.


Claire went to the stables, a good place to think since nobody ever went there.

Leaning against her horse's stall door, Claire sunk to the ground and hugged her knees.

'Becca . . . If you're alive give me some sort of sign~'

Then there was a body next to Claire.

"Hey, Claire." Ciel's emotionless voice came.

Claire sighed, "I'm not in the mood to talk, sorry Ciel."

Ciel shrugged, "That's okay, I didn't come to talk. I came here for the same reason you did, I believe . . ."

"And what would that be?"

"To think . . . Be alone,"

"I'm sorry the alone thing didn't work out for you. I'm not leaving, by the way." Claire said, a smile creeping into her lips.

Ciel smirked, "Well, since it's you I'm okay with it,"

Claire lifted her head, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Smiling, Ciel wrapped his arms around Claire and pressed his lips against hers.

Closing her eyes, Claire kissed him back. She loved him, but was always afraid of having something to lose.

"You two brats should be cleaning the stables~" came a cold voice.

The two lovebirds looked behind Ciel to see the one and only Levi Ackerman.

"C-captain!" Claire stuttered.

"Tch . . ." Levi rolled his eyes, "get to cleaning, brats."

Ciel and Claire quickly stood up and followed orders as the captain walked away.

"Goodness, he's almost a foot shorter than me but still scares me to death..." Claire sighed.

Ciel nodded in agreement, disappointed that the captain interrupted his kiss with that perfect girl named Claire. [•w•]

~Whoop- Part 4 up next~

{Why am I making this so long wtah}

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