Attack On Kuroshitsuji~ Part 2

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~Awhile later~

Everyone knew about Claire and Ciel's relationship and it seemed awkward in this world of sorrow.

Claire looked at the sky, wondering how this world can be so beautiful, but so cruel~

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard the bells and the wall gate slowly opened. Her horse neighed and brushed it's hoof against the ground, ready to run outside the walls.

They were off in a second.

Claire loved the fresh air and the wind blowing through her hair when she went outside the walls. She felt so...

Then a flare went off and soon an abnormal-
A titan resembling a female appeared behind them.

Claire gasped and sent up a flare. She skillfully used her 3dmg to get around to the Titan's neck.

Gasping again, Claire watched as the titan covered the nape of her neck.
Time seemed to move in slow motion as she recalled her training days~

"Titans don't show intelligent life that we know of, and lack reproductive organs. We have not yet learned how they multiply, also seeing all recorded titans resemble males."

This is the second titan to show intelligence...

The Colossal titan... And Female titan...

Claire then dropped to the ground, whistling for her horse. She quickly got on and realized...

The others are dead . . .

"Hya!" Claire yelled to her horse as she steered away from the titan's track, trying to cut its ankle(s).

Claire was about to go for her neck again when suddenly there was another titan resembling a female running up behind the first.

Claire gasped and went ahead and out of their tracks.

The first titan looked behind her at the other, still gaining on her.

Claire gasped as the second female titan seemed to resemble . . .


~Horse-faced Jean neighed you to when that female Titan reached Levi's squad {petraplz} and Eren~

Claire watched as a bolt of lightning went into the trees and she heard a roar that could only be that crazy Eren kid's.

Claire followed the Becca titan on her horse with Ciel close behind.

The Becca titan stopped running as she entered the small 'clearing' where the female Titan and Eren were brawling.

Then the Becca Titan took a swing at the Female Titan~

Eren went for the Becca titan's leg, but she moved so quickly...
Her hand was already wrapped around Eren's titan form's arm, twisting it away.

Claire watched the Titan fight intently, ready to intrude whenever.

Then the female Titan was on the Becca Titan's back, causing a loud roar escape from the Becca Titan's lips.

Claire's brain was scrambled as she looked between the females.

The Becca Titan's skin and body form was the same as the female titan's, though her hair was a little darker and longer~

Claire's thoughts were interrupted when suddenly the Becca Titan bit down on the female's arm, Eren then grabbing the female titan's waist, tearing her from the Becca Titan.

Ciel climbed into a tree and watched the brawl and studied them, ready to give a detailed report.


Claire couldn't sleep that night.

That titan looked so much like Becca~

Signing, Claire shifted in her covers, wondering if something similar happened to Becca as to what happened to Eren.

But that's just wishful thinking . . .

Becca is dead.

She has to be.


~Whoop- Part 3 up next~

Claire x Ciel One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin