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Claire just finished training. Training on how to keep a house clean, make tea, and serve a noble family, that is.
Her best friend had just passed away, and cleaning and preparing helped keep her mind off of it.

She was passing a tailor's shop, reading a newspaper when she suddenly ran into a tall man. He was exiting the shop with a young earl and dressed like a butler.

Claire muttered her apology and tried to pass them, but the tall butler grabbed the collar of her dress and pulled her to a stop, at his master's orders.

"What is you bussiness?" The young boy asked.

Claire folded up the newspaper and curtsied, "My name is Claire Guidry and I have just finished training as a maid, sir,"

The boy acted as if he were in charge of everything, even though he was still about Claire's age.

"Spoiled nobles," Claire thought to herself, "why did I even think about becoming a maid?"

"So you do not yet have a manor in which you work?" The boy said.

Claire shook her head and realized how handsome the boy had suddenly become.

His hair was navy coloured and he walked with a cane. His right eye was covered by an eyepatch, but his left told her his eyes were a stunning ocean blue.

"My name is Ciel Phantomhive and this is my butler, Sebastian." The Earl motioned to his tall, raven-haired butler. "I would like to hire you, as our current maid could use some assistance."

Claire gasped. Work . . . For him!?
"I would gladly take the position," Claire paused, "master."


It's been a week of Claire's service at the Phantomhive Manor, and she's noticed her young master watching her strangely.

Was she doing good?

Was she not up to his standards?

She was asked to make tea for her master, but Sebastian always made it, so she had no idea how he liked it.

"U-uh, Sebastian?" Claire asked nervously.

"Leave the tea to me, but you can serve it," the butler said as he put on an apron.

Claire nodded and soon the tea was ready.

Carrying the tray to Ciel's study, she hoped he would be happy with her performance.

She knocked nervously on the study door and entered at Ciel's approval.

"Your tea, Young Master," Claire said as she sat the tray down.

"I've brought-" Claire started.

She was cut off by Ciel standing up and walking toward her. "I've been watching you, Claire."


"O-oh," Claire said as she felt the wall against her back.

"And, I must say," Ciel said, his face inches from hers, "you do a beautiful job,"

Claire was about to say something, but she couldn't. Her lips couldn't form words as they were too busy moving with Ciel's.

She snaked her arms around Ciel's neck and the kissing intensified.
She then felt Ciel's arms around her small waist.

But this was wrong.

"I shouldn't be kissing my master!" Claire screamed in her head.


Breaking away from the kiss Claire was about to scold Ciel and make sure he knew how wrong this was.

But after Claire broke away, Ciel reached down to pull off her dress.

"Master!" Claire yelled as she tore herself from Ciel's grasp.

Ciel simply followed her and blocked the door. "Claire," he said in a hushed tone, moving his face by her neck.

Claire shivered and felt torn between desire and knowing what was right.

"M-master your tea-" Claire stopped mid-sentence as Ciel kissed her collarbone and kissed up her neck to her jawbone, sending cold shivers down her spine.

"Claire, you know I want you," Ciel said as his soft lips worked back down to her exposed collarbone.

"M-master this is wrong I-" Claire stopped as Ciel ran his hand up her dress.

Yelping, Claire ran from her master's grasp once again.

(Omg Ciel you perv)

"Ciel, I-I love you, but it's wrong, I can't be with you!" Claire said with a quiet sob.

Ciel wrapped his arm around Claire and said quietly, "It's not wrong if we both want it,"

Pressing his lips against Claire's, Ciel knew she was the one.

The one he would marry someday.


This strange kissing affair happened for two months more and two months later is present time.

Claire hummed as she brought Ciel his tea. She knocked on his study door and he called her in.

Claire set the tea down as Ciel stood up and said, "I think we should take our relationship a step further," Ciel said seductively.

Claire blushed and turned around.
She heard a shuffling behind her and then bare arms wrapped around her waist.

"Master?" Claire questioned as she turned around to see a very nude Ciel.
Blushing, Claire turned around. "M-master, maybe a step further isn't wise, I-"

Ciel pulled off her dress effortlessly and Claire covered her partly naked body.
Ciel wasn't supposed to see her in her undergarments!

Ciel kissed her lightly on her lips and moved down to her collarbone, going farther down than he's explored.

"CIEL!" Claire yelled as a shiver was sent down her spine by pleasure.

Ciel laid her down on his desk and Claire was ready to kick his naked body, but instead she screamed "CIEL I DON'T WANT YOUR HOT DOG!"

Then suddenly Claire awoke on a hospital bed of the twenty-first century.

Hyperventilating, Claire frantically screamed about her best friend.

A nurse rushed into her room and calmed her, telling the young girl that Rebecca was in a coma and has a small chance of waking up.

Claire cried as she recalled the events that put her here.

It said "walk".

So they walked.

The light was red.

But the bus just honked.

They were deer caught in headlights.


The End (≧∇≦)

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