seems you don't trust me

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Tharn placed the flowers on the table too the side has he sat down eyeing an angery type. Type then leaned his back to the chair, arms folded over his chest, eyeing tharn narrowly.
"So......tell me what you did too kon tharn."
Tharns eyes widen, he gulped.
He spoke the truth, knowing a lie would get him into trouble.
"Only thing i.did was called my guy. He researched into kons affairs. The gallery was the biggest thing he found that i could use against him. Kon did everything under the table and owes his artists millions. Only thing i did was reach out to them so his focus would be on them and not you."
Type chewed his inner cheek, shaking his head.
"Well.... because of that. He has been stalking me tharn. What happened today was your fault."
Tharns eyes widen.
"What....happened today?"
Type signed and told tharn everything that happened that day, he then started too fume.
"Kon.....really did all that?"
Type nodded.
Tharn looked to the side, breathing heavily.
Type leaned his body too the table to place his arms on top to cup his hands were he placed his chin on top looking to the table.
"Tharn....what you did....i...understand it but....that shows your lack of trust in me."
Tharn looked too type with concern.
"I'm....going to sleep in the guest room, i need.....time too.think."
Tharn signed.
"Type....please don't. I had too..."
Types eyes shot up.
"Actually tharn you didn' you not think kon now wont research you. What do you think he'll find?"
Tharn looked to the table gritting his teeth.
"I....May look naive tharn but i know what kon will probably do next. And you just pissed him off further."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"Maybe....we should file for a restraining order."
Type. Rolled his eyes standing. Tharn looked to him.
"Tharn....let me handle this."
"I'm.....Going to bed. If you can you need to protect yourself."
Parting type went to the guest bedroom.
Tharn sat there looking at the top of the table with narrowed eyes.
Type was right.
The next couple of hours, tharn did what he needed too, to protect himself from kon. However, it was public knowledge he was married.
Laying slightly. On his bed in his bedroom, he had his laptop on his stomach researching heavily into kon. There had too be something else he could find to use against him. if kon found out he was married but living with type He could use it against him to keep his mouth shut if he didn't already know.
Eyes darted, he wasent finding much other then the restraining order from his previous ex. Maybe i need to talk to him get more intel.
Gulping, tharn closed the computer shut looking to the side patting the emptiness.
Turning his head forward, tharn gritted his teeth.
Placing the laptop to the side table, he got up off the bed to walk too the door.
Opening it he hesitated.
Type was there, both there eyes darted.
Type took in a deep inhale.
"Can i...." He shrugged.
Tharn smiled.
Moving his body to the side, type went in crawling to the pillows to Lay on his side with closed eyes.
Tharn shut the door with a smile.
Turning he went to the bed, going under the covers to lay to his side looking at type.
Bringing up a hand he stroked his cheek.
"I'm sorry type. I really am."
Type signed heavily still with his eyes closed.
"I....wish you trusted me too take care of this in my own way but...."
He opened his eyes to bring up his hand to push tharn to his back to lay his head on his chest, arm laid across his torso.
Tharn wrapped his arms about holding type tightly.
"Its not that i don't trust you type it's just...kon is very unstable im scared he is going to do something horrible to you when I'm not around."
Type gulped.
He looked too his wrist seeing a faded purple bruise.
He signed.
"Will it make you feel better if i do file a restraining order?"
Tharn nodded.
"But tharn....if i do that, it could make him even more agitated, what if he finds out about your fake marriage and us living together? He could destroy you."
Tharn shrugged.
"I always have a plan b. Please type don't worry about me. you need to be worrying about yourself."
Type chuckled lightly.
"Your my world tharn of course i worry over you. I....can't not stop it."
Tharn smiled.
" you type. I.... can't stand kon. He is an asshole."
Type nodded.
"I'm sorry i ever.."
Type rolled his eyes.
"We were never offical....i...still have no clue has too why He is this way with me."
Tharn gulped.
"He's a sociopath and a narcissist. I think its because you ended things with him."
Type took a deep breathe in.
"Maybe so....mmm come Monday ill file. He is starting to get abusive."
Type unknowingly twitched his wrist.
Tharn looked down, eyes widen.
"Did he....hurt you?"
Type shrugged.
"Only a bit..."
Tharn started to fume holding type tighter.
"If he ever lays another finger on you again...."
Ill kill him.
Type shifted his head softly up and down tharns chest.
"He won't tharn...I'm all yours."
He smiled letting his eyes drift shut.
Tharn took in calming breathes.
"Mmm i know you are. I love you type."
Type nodded.
Tharn let his eyes drift shut.
There has to be something kon is hiding about himself. What ever it is ill find it. He crossed the line after he hurt my heart.
The two then fell into unconsiousness thinking of ways too keep kon at bay.

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