couldn't contain myself

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Type face was dripping with tears has kon kept him tight to his chest, his arms in one behind his back, hand too his mouth stiffling his screams.
Let me go! Please kon don't do this!
Quickly, he had too let go of types mouth so he could bend types body over to go to a bag near there feet too get the tape, rope and Viagra.
Once his stomach hit the table type screamed.
"Kon! Stop this! Please let me go! Help! Help!"
Kon darkly chuckled. Grabbing the bottle, he opened it with his mouth, he leaned out back too get an pill, throwing it too the side, pills fell everywhere. Placing his free hand to types throat He bent it back placing his mouth to types forcing the pill down his throat with his tongue. Type accidently swallowed. Kon then reached over to grab the tape to take it too his mouth to tar a piece. Kon placed it over types mouth even though he kept screaming for him too stop and for help.
Successfully, putting the tape over his mouth, kon reached back down getting the rope. Type fought and hard but too no avail. Kon was able too get the rope to his wrists binding him. Type breathed heavily.
Weeping and hard, he placed his forehead on the table.
Tharn, I'm so sorry! I love you so much! I wish i said it too you right too your face. Im so sorry! I love you tharn!
Kon smiled has he patted types butt, licking his lips.
Type screamed into the tape.
No! I don't want this! Don't you fucking dare!
Before kon could take down types pants he was pulled roughly from type.
Type opened his eyes in dis believe and surprise.
Feeling no weight behind him he was able too turn.
Once around his eyes darted.
Tharn was there breating the living shit out of kon.
Type cried harder.
Tharn gave kon one final punch and he laid too the floor in his own blood un conscious.
Tharn breathed hard, looking with hate filled eyes too kon, then he looked to the side.
Type and tharns eyes darted. Type closed his eyes, fresh tears rolled down.
Tharn walked too type standing in front of him, slowly not too hurt him, tharn removed the tape. Type screamed, hanging his head.
Types legs gave out and tharn caught him, holding him close. Taking his hands back he untied him.
Types hands instantly went around tharns neck, crying hard. Tharn held him close.
Then tharns eyes narrowed. He felt types hard on, on his leg.
They both looked down then up too each other, type breathed heavily shaking his head in horror.
"No tharn no i am not hard because of.."
His sentance hung has tharn held type close. Tharn looked about themselves too see pills. Tharn pieced it together.
"It's okay type. Don't worry. I'm here."
Pushing type gently back tharn placed his hands too either side of his face. There eyes darted.
"I need too call the police."
He nodded. Type nodded has well squeezing his eyes shut.
Holding type once more, tharn  called the police.
Has they arrived type was taken out with tharn holding him tightly to his body, type looked too the side to see there security guard in the ground, with a head wound, coming too.
Type grimaced.
Outside they had to part type from tharn. Type sat on the edge of an ambulance looking down daze. Tharn told them what he saw and knew plus the restraining order. He also had too tell the police kon gave type a Viagra he didn't know how much.
The paramedics have him medication too make it go down.
After tharn talked too the police he went over by type to place his arm over his shoulder. Type didn't talk. He was a bit traumatized.
Grabbing kon, he thrushed around, type instantly looked up and held onto tharn, looking like a scared little kid.
"I will get out type! When i do ill fuck you! Be worried tharn! Be very fucking afraid you piece of shit! Ill take type from you. He'll be mine!"
Kon kept screaming even has they placed him in the car.
A cop went too them, type looked down sullen. The cop shook his head.
"From everything you have told us i highly doubt he will ever get out."
Tharn nodded.
The cop went to another leaving the pair.
Type looked dazed at tharn.
He looked too type.
"Take.....take me home."
His chin quivered.
"Soon my love. Soon."
After they parted and tharn drove them home.
Type was dazed and in shock, he kept looking out the window.
At home, type didn't seem to be they're. Not mentally.
Tharn took off there shoes, then he looked at type.
"To bed?"
Type looked to tharn, taking a deep breathe.
"Bath first....i....need to get his....disgusting....dirty..."
He started too weep again.
Tharn held him close placing his hand to his head pulling it too his shoulder.
"Shhhh I'm here type. Ill.... Get you cleaned."
In the bath tharn went slow.
He left type standing by the bath to fill it. Turning, type kept his head hung, letting tharn take off his clothes.
Once the tub was filled, he helped type in. Turning too get the soap, type looked up in horror, wide eyes to grab tharn by the wrist.
Tharn looked back, lips parted.
"Don't....don't leave me."
Tharn nodded.
"I'm just getting the soap type im not leaving you."
Type nodded dazed. Taking his hand back he wrapped his arms around his knees that were too his chest, shaking a bit looking forward.
Tharn took calming breathes has he got the soap. He hated kon. Hated him too his core. What the fuck is the matter with that man! Tharn was happy he didn't listen too type and took the day off.
Retrieving the soap he went back.
Type looked up.
" get in here with me?"
"Are....are you sure?"
He nodded.
Tharn gulped, taking his clothes off slowly, he got in cautiously with the soap in hand.
Going behind, type he rubbed the soap around types back keeping an watchful eye on him. He didn't shake, didn't say stop, didn't do anything.
Tears rolled down his face.
Type then leaned his body back onto tharns chest. Tharn stretched his arms to the side, not trying to upset type.
"Please....hold me."
Tharn took a deep breathe in and held tightly to type.
Type brought up his hands to squeeze tharns arms.
"Yes type?"
"Thank you for not listening too me....if you hadent been there...."
Tharn held him tighter.
"Its okay type im here. He's gone."
Type breathed in shakily.
Taking off tharns arms type turned around too place his hands on either side of tharns face. Tharn Placed his hands onto types.
He was getting worried.
Type gulped.
" know what i was thinking....when he was....having that..."
Type shivered.
Tharn shook his head a bit.
" don't have to tell me."
Type gulped.
There eyes darted.
"I...was screaming for you."
Tears started to fall down tharns face.
"I'm so sorry type....i didn't get there fast enough...."
Type shook his head wiping away tharns tears.
Type breathed in shakily.
"Yes type?"
Type leaned his mouth onto tharns, he kissed him with passion but tharn was hesitated. Type couldn't contain himself any longer.
"Aaaah i love you tharn, i love you so much..."
Type said between kisses.
Tharns eyes widen.
He gently pushed type away. They looked to one another. Tharns lips parted.
"What....what did you say?"
Type got onto tharn placing his hard on into him.
"Nnnnn Type."
Type made tharns head to up.
They eyed one another while type went up and down tharns length and hard.
He bent his head mere inches from tharns face.
"I said mmmmm i love you tharn. I always aaaah have and always will. I love you....please for me....make love to me hard....make me forget all about what happened today....nnnn"
Type moaned hanging his head.
Tharn couldn't control himself.
Pushing them both to the other side, tharn thrusted hard into type hearing his loud moaning. They both let the tears fall.
Awhile later, they were in the bed, under the covers, in a close embrace, hands intertwined.
Type laid to his side looking to the wall, tharn laid on his side, eyes on type.
They both breathed peacefully.
"I love you type, I'm so sorry for..."
Type shook his head.
"I...don't blame you and i don't blame myself. That man is an evil son of a bitch!"
Type gritted his teeth.
"I love you tharn. I....never want too be with anyone but you."
Tharn held type tighter.
"Neither do i type. We will always be together. I love you so much type. Thank you for telling me you love me."
Type let fresh tears fall.
"Well, i do. I love you tharn. I love you so much."
Tharn placed his chin on types head.
"Sleep my love."
Type nodded, feeling spent.
"Never leave me tharn, never break my heart. Always be mine."
Tharn nodded.
"Ill never leave you, nor break your heart again. You are always mine. I love you type."
They both closed there eyes going into a blissful sleep. Tharns heart swelled in happiness. Finally you said you love me type. Ill make sure you never regret saying those words too me.

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