Chapter Twenty-Two: Lunch Date

Start from the beginning

"I take it, it didn't go well," I state aloud as Chris turns to meet my gaze as he walks further into the living room.

"He's not interested in negotiating," Chris states to us, as I pass him and stand near Melissa and him.

"What does he want?" Melissa asks.

"As far as I can tell, he..." Chris's voice got quite as he sat on the armchair of a seat. "Genocide," Chris replied after a moment, his gaze wasn't on us.

"He just wants to kill them? All of them?" Melissa asks with a worried tone.

"I... If you're looking for rationality, I think he left that behind a long time ago. In his eyes, Scott has killed half his family, turned his daughter into a monster, and turned me, his only son, against him," Chris replies to Melissa's question as she places her hands on her hips.

"So I'm supposed to just tell him to give up?" She states her eyes not even on Chris.

"I'm not asking him to give up... I just want him to survive," Chris just wanted Scott to live another day, he wanted us all too.

"I've never told Scott to run and hide and I'm not going to start now," Melissa was stern to Chris as she took steps closer to him, before moving pass him.

"Melissa, he was dead in your arms once before and Alice had to bring him back-" Chris states as he didn't want Scott to be dead once again. "What if this is the one fight he doesn't come back from?" Chris was right, what if this was the last fight Scott will ever have...

"There doesn't have to be a fight," Scott's voice rang out making me look to the kitchen door to see him in the doorway.

"Do you know something I don't?" Chris asks with a sigh.

"Someone," he replies as he made his way over to us. Once he was close, he shows us his phone. "Tamora Monroe... Is the next hunter," Scott told us...

"Scott, I know how this goes. It always ends up in a fight," I told him with a serious look. "I'm late to meet Parrish," I spoke making eye contact with Scott and Melissa.

"What you meeting Parrish for?" Scott asks gently, giving me a raised eyebrow.

"Lunch date," I replied with a smile.

"Wait are you two-"

"Bye Scott," I click my fingers together before he had chance to finish his sentence. My vision blurred for a moment before it came clear once again. I was in front of the front door in my apartment, now it was time to find a cute outfit to wear...


I dressed for the lunch date with Parrish, I took my black BMW car to the police station

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I dressed for the lunch date with Parrish, I took my black BMW car to the police station. I got out of the car, as I grab my bag from the passenger side, slinging it over my right shoulder as the chain was long and the bag came to my hip. I slam the car door shut, and locked it with the keys, before walking over to the entrance. My heels clicking against the road for a moment until I entered the police station. My gaze went to Parrish's desk seeing he wasn't there... The door to the Sheriff's office opened, as he looks at me for a moment.

"You seen Parrish?" I ask him, but he looks kind of worried, but then I hear a beating heart, which was going really fast and a heavy breathing. My expression changed to a worried one as I dashed to the back room of the station, as the Sheriff followed me. Once I reached the room, I see Parrish aiming his gun out, his forehead sweaty and his heart racing. The Sheriff passes me quickly, and grabs the top of Parrish's gun.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asks wildly, staring at Parrish. But he was panting, sweating and his heart was racing. But he seemed distracted on what was behind him, what he saw.

"Parrish?" I walk into the room as his eyes flickered between me and the Sheirff.

"There, there was a..." He pants the words out. "There was a," his breathing was heavy, but it was slowly coming down.

"Breath Parrish," I told him as he began to take some deep breaths, his heart beat was decreasing.

"Tell us what you saw," Sheriff Stilinski states to his Parrish, but his breathing was still wild and heavy as he was scared. Terrified even... The Sheriff took his gun from him as his grip on it loosened, as he was holding onto it tight. But I came forward and got Parrish's left hand, as I placed my fingers over his bracelet.

"Tranquillitas atmosphaera sicut papilio," I chant in a whisper to the bracelet, as it glowed a orange colour for a moment.

"What did you do?" The Sheriff asks as Parrish's heart began to slow, and his breathing become normal.

"I added a calming enchantment to the bracelet," I told the Sheriff as my gaze went to him, but I moved it back to Parrish. "Now can you tell us?" I ask Parrish as he gives us a soft nod of his head...


Parrish told us what he saw, and felt in some detail. Whatever it was it sounded scary, a humanoid body, with no features what at all. Scott also texted seeing that Tamorea agreed to meet him in the tunnels, which I replied with 'It's a trap' but he went anyway. But he wanted to do it alone, so I went with the Sheriff and Parrish to the one place where they faceless, no skin body should be... The hospital.

"I'll be the first one to admit some pretty strange things have been happening," Melissa spoke as the Sheriff, Parrish and I entered the morgue, as she went over to the cooling storage. "But the body couldn't have moved," she was so sure of it.

"Why not?" Parrish asks as I came to stand to the left of him, our gaze on Melissa.

"Because it's locked in a drawer, and it has no skin or DNA. And no face," Melissa replied to Parrish's question.

"This thing, it scared the hell out of you and Argent, right?" The Sheriff states with a raised eyebrow.

"And it did it without moving an inch," Melissa shot back, as this sounded so scary. I see the Sheriff place a hand on his gun, and I feel Parrish do the same. As Melissa leans over to open the drawer, Parrish held his free hand out a bit, ready to protect me if need be. With one quick open of the drawer door, we stare inside to see nothing was inside, no body, nothing.

"Guess it reanimated," I said to the group as I bent over to look into the drawer.

"Alice! Alice!" Liam's voice echoed in my mind, meaning he wanted me for something. I gave Scott to give Liam a amethyst crystal, which I enchanted so he could reach me if he needs me...

"Melissa just going to use this table to lay down," I went to the table and hoped on, before laying down on it as I see Parrish hover over me.

"What are you doing?" Parrish asks with a raised eyebrow as he had no idea what I was doing.

"Liam's calling me. I'll explain later. If you leave take my body with you though," I told him with a smile. "Voye à sa fille," I chant to myself as I closed my eyes. I felt my body pick up and whirl in a wind for a moment. I felt my feet touch the ground as I open my eyes to be met with Corey, Liam, and Mason...

Their faces looked desperate for help...

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