Perfect As The Ocean

Start from the beginning

"Madam Pomfrey, I need you... NOW" I said and got myself into on of the new private suites that had been built for this very reason. Moments after I put everything down, she blasted through the door.  "I'm here darling, what is it you-" She said and stopped, looking at me and realizing quickly what was going on. "Oh my, I'll owl Professor McGonagall and we will get started deary," She said and walked out of the room. Just then the pains started, it was not at all like they had told us it would be like, this pain was excruciating. The last thing I remember before blacking out, was Narcissa and Draco running into the room. 

*3 hours later*

I woke up with blurry eyes, rubbing them softly to clear away the haze. I looked around the room, not seeing anyone. I laid back, trying to recall what happened. I remembered coming in after my water broke, then the pain, then nothing. I felt my heart start to speed up wondering what happened, and where everyone was, did I lose my baby? Just then I heard two laughs, coming out of the room next to me. I tried to get up but fell back against the bed, too tired to even move. I guess they heard me because the curtain pulled back revealing Draco and a wrapped up little bundle in his arms. "Babygirl look, Mommy's up" Draco said walking over,  kissing me on the forehead and handed her to me. I looked into her eyes and cuddled her in my arms. "Oh Draco, she's perfect... She is perfect" I said as I turned her around supporting her head and sat her upright. She started giggling and my heart just melted. I pulled her against me and rested her little head on my shoulder. "Baby girl, I love you so much," I told her, rubbing circles around her back. "You did so good baby. You scared the hell out of me, but you did so good!" He said sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling Ellie and me into a hug.

"Mione, they said we could go if you feel up to it. They healed you, so you may be tired for the day but you are safe to go. There is also something I need to talk about." I nodded my head, getting a nervous feeling in my stomach at his words. What could have happened in the three hours I was out? Even though I was in no way ready to leave, I was curious about what Draco wanted to talk about. I kissed Ellie's head and handed her back to Draco so he could put her in a carrier. He pushed up a wheelchair, just as I finished changing into comfy clothes. He placed the carrier on my lap and wheeled us out to the car. We got in and Draco fixed Elena up in the back. Once he got in, he tossed me a bottle of water and his signature green apple to snack on. We were almost home when he turned the corner, pulling into Blaise and Ginny's little cabin. I was feeling a little better after eating and could walk on my own just fine. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked, desperately wanting to just go home. "It has something to do with that we have to talk about" He said. "I don't even know what it is yet, but apparently it's urgent" He added so we both got out and I grabbed Ellie. We walked up to the door and Draco was about to knock when Ginny's voice came through the door. "Come in." We heard and Draco turned the knob walking into the cabin. Blaise, Ginny, Ron and Harry were standing in the kitchen, looking unbelievably tense. "What's going on?" I asked looking at everyone. 

"Mione, I'm sorry I have to do this but it must be done... This is not how things were supposed to be, you and Ginny were supposed to end up with me and Ron, not Draco and Blaise. Therefore, we are binding you to a contract saying that you must abandon your families to join ours, the only way out is if either myself or Ron is unfaithful to either of you." Harry said finishing in a big breathe. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, to the point I actually let out a laugh.

"I'm sorry, but what the hell makes you think we would ever agree to this?" I asked, yelling. "Because if you don't, we have already slipped poison into both of your mates that will ensure they are killed if you don't sign in these contracts. Let's not waste time." Ron said as a tear slipped down both my face and Ginny's. I looked over at Draco, and I could see the pain in his eyes. We don't know what he will do to either of you if I'm dead. Elena cannot grow up without at least one parent, I think you will have to do it, love." He said, tears sliding down his cheeks. I grabbed the pen from Ron, Ginny, following suit from Harry and we signed the papers. 

"I hope you know this doesn't change anything, this won't make us love you and there is a good chance we will end up resenting those children you have as a result of this. More than anything though, I hope you both see that you did not make us betray our families today, signing that contract was a direct reflection of the fact that we chose their lives and our children's future, over our own." I said making sure everyone in the room knew where I stood. 

"These contracts are effective as of midnight tonight, you must be at our houses by then. The poison will last indefinitely unless we break the contract, so don't bother trying anything. As for now, you are free to go and pack your belongings" Ron said, looking victorious. "I will not be packing anything, I will live here with you, but I will go home every day to see my baby girl and change my clothes," I said holding Elena as close to me as I could get her. Ron's face turned a deep shade of red. 

"Ronald I swear, I will be your worst nightmare if you don't if you don't let me have my way, so help me Godric" I said. His face remained red but he nodded his head. I turned on my heels and walked out of the kitchen with Draco and the empty carrier only steps behind me. I walked out the door and he sped in front of me to the carrier in the back seat so I could buckle Elena in. Steams were streaming down my face the entire ride home. "Draco how am I supposed to do this?" I asked when we got out of the car. He ran over and wrapped me in his arms crying with me. "Baby I don't have the answer right now but I promise, I promise Hermione we will get through this and we will be together again," He said as I reached up on my toes to kiss his lips. We brought Elena into the house and into her beautiful nursery.

"I'm going to feed her. She is going to want to eat almost every half hour so we will have to use bottles and I will feed her whenever I can. I'm going to do my best to see if he will let me take her with me during class hours but I don't think he will. You should go while I feed her" I told him, feeling utterly heartbroken. "If I only have a few more hours with you here by my side then I am going to spend every minute with you," He said walking over to the lounge chair I had situated myself in. I pulled off my shirt and bra, followed my Ellies onesie, knowing skin to skin was the best for the baby. I set her up in my arms and let her suckle, looking down and admiring the face I now how to leave behind. 

"I must admit, I never thought my daughter would make me so jealous" He said winking, causing me to laugh. This lasted about an hour before Ellie fell asleep.I handed her to Draco to change and put a sleeper on before putting my top back on and walking over to join them. I rested my head on his shoulder just watching the two of them. I knew at the moment that I got lucky, Draco was going to make an amazing father. This time it was me jealous, knowing I'll never be able to develop a relationship with her like he will. When he finished changing her I scooped her up, holding her tight before carefully resting her in her crib. A tear dripped down my face as I looked at the clock on her wall. 11:45, where did the time go? I walked over to Draco, sitting in the chair and crawled onto his lap, snuggling into his chest. "How did we get her?" I asked, tears actively streaming down my face now

"Mione, listen. Whatever happens, I will always love you and I will find a way out of this" He said pulling my lips to his. "I'll always love you too" I said kissing him back. "Here" he said passing me a duffle bag. "I packed you an overnight bag" He added and I took it, sober faced. " I have a bag feeling that he won't be letting me back, in case that happens, I will charm some bottles in the fridge before I go," I told him as he hugged me tight one more time. With that I left. 

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