Ch. 5 Explaining

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(Y/n's p.o.v.)
I woke up on a bed not the floor I made sure I was still wearing my outfit and I slowly got up and I heard voices straight ahead of me. I decided to go to the sound and I saw Pierson, Zussman, and Daniels all sitting at a table and as soon as I walked in they all turned to look at me. "Who is this again?" Zuss said "y/n" Pierson said "here I'll explain" I said as I sat next to Pierson. "Okay well my name is y/n l/n and Im from the future and I'm a girl with powers." I said, they both looked shocked expect for Pierson cause he knew. "And that girl back there who captures you was my friend but turned into my enemy for revenge and she has powers like me." I said "okay so what year am I in again?" I asked "1945" Daniels said "dang everything is so cool here better than the future in my opinion." I said "Everything in the future is basically sort of technology especially in Texas, new york, and Las Vegas." I continued and they were all shocked "what year you from?" Zuss and Daniels asked "I'm from the year 2017." I said and they were I shock "so how did you travel to this year from your year?" Daniels asked "Well I have powers like I said and well that helped me get here. And bring Pierson Along with me on my journey." I said.

|||||||||||||Time Skip|||||||||||

(Y/n's p.o.v.)

It was evening now and I decided to go outside and get some air. Gosh where Daniels lived was so beautiful. There was horses, cows, and many more animals basically like a farm. I then came up with a nickname, Farm boy. I chuckled to myself until I heard someone, "you seem very relaxed out here" I turn around and I see Daniels. "Yeah I am, to bad I don't got a place like this back at my home." I say "so can you find anyone?" He asks "yes, I can as long as it's no one dead then it should be fine. Oh! And a blind fold as well that's needed " I replied "ok can you find this one person for me we might need his help." He says "yeah just get me the blind fold and let's go inside and I'll be able too." I said "ok follow me then" He says "alright" I say and we walk back into the house. I wonder who he wants me to find.

Hope you guys enjoyed if you have any request feel free to request and anyway as always love you guys ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ loves!!! ❤❤❤❤

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