Ch. 6 What the hell?

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(Y/n's p.o.v.)

We went inside of daniels's house and he gave me a dog tag from when ww2 was going on. I grabbed it and turned it around and I read the name 'Frank Aiello' interesting name if you ask me. "Ok I need a blindfold do you have that?" I asked "yes we do." He said. He went into another room for a few seconds then came back with a blind fold. "Okay now don't make any noise or I won't be able to find him." I said "ok" All the 3 boys said in sync. I put the blindfold on and I sat down in the middle of the kitchen. I then went into pure darkness and I heard music, it was some good music too.  I walked closer to the sound and I saw a person. He was eating. That is until he heard a knock at the door and I followed him to the door. "I see him. He is walking towards his door." I said "who is it?" Zuss asks "I'm not sure, I don't see anyone yet." I said. I then got next to him and as soon as he opened the door he got pushed back by some force. And I kept my focus on the door and who was about to enter.  Who entered scared the living shit out of me. It was Emily!!! She knew I was there because she somehow sensed me and I tried to grab the aiello dude but failed and I got scared and started screaming and I took my blindfold of very fast and shot up and ran in circles. My heart was be at in really fast, and my head full with questions. How did she know I was there? Why is she going after him? I snapped out of my thoughts when pierson called out to me. "You okay? You just snapped and like I don't know you seemed scared why?" He asked "E-E-" I said but then caught myself before I said anything else. "Who is E? Wh-" He said before zuss cut him off "Emily her enemy." He said and I turned my head towards him and gave him a death stare. "Nows not the time to tell you..." I said "You need to. Tell them. Or I will." Zussman said and gave me a smirk. "No" "Okay fine, well E is actual-" He started saying but I cut him off and I pushed him to the wall with my powers but not enough to hurt him. I picked him up and then I said "don't your dare say anything more! That's not for you to tell!" I hissed at him and I put him down. I sighed, "fine, I'll tell you but just never mind. Okay so E is actually and old friend of mine named Emily. She used me for stuff and made me believe she was my friend and that she was dead. And she has powers like me. She also went after your friend Aiello." I said "We need to help him!" Daniels exclaims "yes I know but only I can teleport there, cause I can't take all of you." I said "but I'll save him you guys can wait here I can teleport us back over here just be patient." I said "Wait you can't go out looking like that! We don't have that stuff yet in this year." Daniels and his wife explained. "I have some dresses you can have. Come with me." Hazel said "okay let's make it quick tho!" I said and she led me to her wardrobe.

(Aiello's p.o.v.)

Jesus Christ!!!! What the hell?! This woman just shows up at my door and opens it wide and just thinks it's okay to break in! "She is coming for your help Next! I can't let that happen! This is why I need to capture you or probably kill you." She said very darkly and I began to run away outside and I ran to a nearby farmhouse and his somewhere where she couldn't at least find me while I think of a plan.

(Y/n's p.o.v.)

I was in a wardrobe with Hazel while I found a dress I guess ((☞͡͡°͜ʖ͡͡°)☞ lol I rhymed). I then found a beautiful red dress (pic above) and I told her I wanted to wear this and she agreed then she left so I could change. I changed quickly like in 30 seconds which is a record I think. I then got out and zussman and pierson were looking at me wide eyed and I blushed a little. "You look great y/n!" Daniels said and I thanked him for that and I then said "okay I'm going to go now. Whatever you do stay here at all times." I said and teleported to aiello. He was hiding so I went up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder he was about to scream so I covered his mouth and said shh.

(Aiello's p.o.v.)

I was hiding when I felt someone tap my shoulder and it was a woman I thought it was the evil girl I ran from do I was about to scream when she covered my mouth and said shhh. I calmed down and nodded that I was okay. She was beautiful, she had h/c hair over her shoulders and beautiful e/c eyes. She was also wearing a beautiful red dress. "Okay I'm here to help you I'm friends with zussman, Daniels, and pierson. Do you know them?" She asked "yes I do" I said "okay good I'm going to teleport us away from queens and to Longview which is where they are. I'm going to do it with my powers." She said "okay" I said and then we teleported into a house but I fell on top of zussman and she onto pierson.

(Y/n's p.o.v.)

I teleported back to Daniels house and I fell on top of pierson and aiello on zussman. "Okay she somehow knew I was going to go get aiello." I said "oh and by the way I'm y/n l/n , I have powers to time travel, find people, and to control things. Oh and also I'm from the future which is like 71 years into the future and the year for me is 2017. But yeah nice to meet you." I said kindly "hi y/n, nice to meet you too" He said and smiled and I smiled back. I forgot I was on top of pierson so when I looked down I blushed at him and quickly got off of him. "S-sorry" I said "it's fine" He said and smiled. "Now so what the hell and why is pierson here?" He asked and I was confused. "What do you mean?" I said and I was hella confused that day.

Ayyeeeeeeee Hiya guys hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm also going to be doing another in a few hours or the next day!!! So ya look put for the chapter not gonna say the name of the chapter but yeah. What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

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