3. Wrong Turn?

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It's been about a week since the whole ordeal happen with me and my clumsy self. My ankle still feels a little sore, but at least I'm fully capable of walking again. I haven't talked to Duncan since then and neither has Sarah, which she is very disappointed about. There was the casual awkward eye contact between the two of them in Calculous, but that was mostly due to Sarah turning her body into a full 180 degrees to see if she can catch Duncan staring at her. That ended with Duncan giving her a weird look and her quickly turning back around and sinking into her chair, blushing from embarrassment. So besides that, Duncan hasn't been involved with us and I was quite please about that.

I didn't need to deal with his silly games and how immature he can be at times. The comment he made about how he wouldn't 'fuck' me still lingered along in my head and the reason for it is I find it so ridiculous how he just jokes about something so intimate, something so personal to a person. Besides, sex jokes are not funny and anyone that thinks they are, are just fools to begin with.

"Earth to Kass, class is over, let's go." I must've been too deep in thought to realize that class is over and we were the only one's left in the classroom, not even the professor was there. I apologized to Sarah and packed up my things. As much as I enjoy journalism and writing, English can be boring for me since I learned a lot of the stuff on my own free time. Now, I just listen for the assignments and zone out into my own world, day dreaming about how I could be a famous author or a journalist at a big news company. However, today I thought about Duncan, which has never happen before. In fact, I never think of boys unless they're fictional.

"Do you think Duncan likes me?" Sarah blurted out as we walked down the hall to the front doors of the English Arts building. I shrugged, I believe Duncan is incapable of genuinely liking someone.

"He flirted with me though! That has to mean something!" I halted. Does this girl not know who Duncan is? I slightly turned my body towards her and placed my hand on her rather slim shoulder.

"Sarah, honey, I'm gonna tell you this only once, so pay attention." She nodded for me to continue.

"Duncan is a playboy. I'll say it again: Duncan is a playboy, a heartthrob, and a major heartbreaker. He flirts with almost every girl, it's in his blood." Sarah pouted her lip at my response. I'm sure she was hoping for some words of encouragement, but I had none to give. I will not support her perusing a relationship where she's bound to get her heart broken. Not to mention that she doesn't take breaks up well at all and it'll take at least six months for her to even smile again. Trust me, I would know, I've been there for them all.

"He's a HOT playboy. Have you seen his eyes? They're just so green and I want to stare at them all day and he has very muscular arms that I just want to be embraced with." Old classic Sarah. No matter how many times you warn her, she'll still believe whatever she wants. In some aspects, that a great trait to have, but in others, I fear for her well being. I shook my head and chuckled as a response as we made our way across campus. Silence engulfed us for a few seconds before someone from my poetry club approached us.

"Kassandra!" I looked and smiled. It was Willow, the president of the club. She waved back at me and returned the smile. Once she reached us, she handed me a piece of paper.

"Are you busy tonight? Our club is participating in a poetry show off and I wanted to feature one of your amazing poems. I was gonna tell you Saturday, but you were mixed up with something else." Okay, everything sounded great until that last sentence. The saltiness was evident in her tone of voice and I began to feel bad.

"Yeah, I'm deeply sorry for that, but yeah I'm not busy-"

"Yes you are. Sorry Willow, but Kassandra has a math study group to attend to at Duncan's place." Sarah interrupted, slapping my arm for lying. My eyes widen for I completely forgot that it was today and I mentally slapped myself for Sarah mentioning Duncan. Duncan was the reason why I never made it to poetry and I was spotted with him by them as well, which only ruins my image even more. Willow looked taken aback and shook her head with disappointment.

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