2. Set Schedules

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There's been multiple times where I questioned my friendship with Sarah. We are nothing alike and if I didn't know her since birth, I would've found her annoying.

For one, she doesn't know the meaning of 'cleaning after yourself' and sees it as my duty to do the dishes every single night. I know it sounds like I'm complaining and all, but seriously. The girl is 19 and doesn't know the difference between dishwasher and laundry detergent. Once she used laundry detergent (a whole lot of it) and it caused a bubbly mess and time wasted to get it cleaned up.

Usually I don't mind cleaning, but tonight was poetry club and I had no time after dinner to wash any dishes.

"Sarah, I have to leave in like five minutes to make it on time to poetry club." I was begging for her to do the dishes just this once. Sadly, my begging wasn't working as she whined and complained about how sore she was from swimming. I groaned, she can be so difficult and self centered. It was a Saturday, she has all of tonight and tomorrow to rest up. Plus all she has to do is place the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Kass, I've been swimming since 6:00 this morning and training annoying little kids on how to not drown in a body of water, so can you cut me some slack?" I rolled my eyes as I saw that this was a pointless argument that I wasn't going to win. I quickly went into the kitchen and did the dishes. Glancing at my watch, I mentally screamed as I was already two minutes late.

Kassandra Gates is never late.

Panicking, I said goodbye to Sarah. I grabbed my bag, my poetry papers, and ran out the door. How could I let time slip by so fast? I'm the girl with different color highlighters for different events. I'm the girl with a neatly organized planner that schedules every aspect of the day. I'm the girl who makes sure that she's at least 10 minutes early so she's on time for things. I always have a set schedule to follow.

And I was late.

I ran out of my dorm complex and booked it towards the campus library. I can already feel the embarrassment waiting for me behind closed doors. They're all gonna be staring at me, judging me as I walk to my seat in shame. What if they kick me out of the club? I shook my head of such thoughts. Of course they wouldn't get rid of me because I'm one of their best poets, right?

All this anxiety that I was starting to feel began to mess with my head, my thoughts, and my coordination because I ended up tripping over myself and dropping all of my poetry papers. I closed my eyes and wished that I didn't exist at all. I'm already in pain from the two bruises that Sarah gave me the day before and now I just harmed myself even more. My right ankle began to hurt and I knew I sprained it a bit.

I refrained from saying any bad words out loud as I sat up from the grass. I looked around and saw the big pile of papers everywhere, slowly drifting away from me in the wind. Sighing, I grabbed the ones around me and prayed that the people in my poetry club understood. I scuffed, they'll probably think I'm making excuses. Couldn't blame them for thinking so because I am never this messy. It wouldn't even surprise me if they laughed in my face as I told them I was running late and tripped over my own two feet.

"That was quite a fall, are you okay?" I looked up and mentally groaned. Great, people saw my epic wipe out and now I'll be called silly nicknames for the rest of my college career. Blushing from embarrassment, I used my remaining strength to pull myself up, placing most of my weight onto my left foot. Not only did people witness my embarrassing fall, but out of all the people who could possibly ask me if I was okay, it just had to be Duncan.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you." I responded, limping my way towards my scattered papers. I slowly picked each one up and placed them in my bag. I looked down at my watch and bit my lip. I was really late and there wouldn't even be any point to go now since by the time I got there, they would almost be done. Plus, my papers are all out of order and I would have to spend some time to get them organized. I went to pick up my final paper, but Duncan beat me to it.

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