Chapter Twenty

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Emma sighed. "I know that Violet loves you, so I'm not sure why she's acting so different right now."

Shawn had moved from the window to sit on the bed. "Why do you think? I think I've just been friend zoned, she just doesn't want to tell me herself."

"Why do you think that?" She asked. "Because she seems fixated on Eddie? I don't think that's going to last. I think she's just pitying him. She's just toying with people's emotions, which I have to admit is weird because that's not like her at all." She put a finger to her chin, thinking. "Maybe I should talk to her."

He signaled towards the door. "Go for it."


Violet glanced around the room, searching for something. "You know, you really should learn to loosen up a bit."

Eddie watched her in confusion. He wasn't sure if he was suppose to say something or what. Maybe she forgot that he was even here? He slowly reached for the door knob and was about to open it and run out of there.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't you even think about it!" She hissed, shoving him away from the door. Her unexpected strength had almost knocked him down.

He raised his arms in surrender. "Violet-" he tried again, but quickly closed his mouth when she glared at him. He wanted to ask her what was wrong with her, but decided against it.

Then someone knocked on the door. "Eddie?" Emma asked. "Is Violet in there with you?" She knocked again.

He glanced over at Violet, who just shook her head. He started to open the door, but Violet stopped him. "Don't you dare tell her," she hissed softly. "Just get her away from here." She shoved him towards the door.

He slowly pulled it open. "Actually, she's-" he trailed off, wincing. "She.. she's not here.."

"Are you okay?" Emma asked, but then sighed. "Actually never mind. I saw her come in here though, do you know where she went?"

He shook his head. "If she's not talking to Shawn, then I don't know where she went.. because that was where she said that she was going. Maybe she's out... walking?"

She glanced at him suspiciously. "Yah, that's it.. she's.. walking," she repeated sarcastically. "If you happen to see her, tell her that I'm looking for her." She walked off.

Violet rolled her eyes. "You need to learn how to lie better." She shoved the door closed. "I don't think she bought that though." She grabbed his arm, then jerked him over to the bed. "Let's finish our talk now, shall we?"

He swallowed nervously. "You okay, Vi? You're kind of scaring me a little? Why didn't you want Emma to know where you were? Why do you repeatedly kiss me when I tell you that I'm not interested? What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing!" She insisted.

Emma opened the door to Violet's room. "Vi?!" She called out, glancing around. "Where is she?!" She groaned, leaving the room.

She decided to check on the others to make sure that no one else was acting as weird as her sister was.

She walked into the living room where Chris, Dom, and Ciara was watching tv. "Hi guys," she gave Chris a quick kiss before sitting down beside him. "Has anyone noticed anything off about Violet?"

Dom was the first to speak. "You mean other than forgetting we are even here? Nope."

Emma sighed. "She's with Shawn, but going after Eddie; that doesn't sound like something she would do." She fell silent, thinking. "What could be wrong with her?"


Violet smiled. "You know what? I forgot something, I will be right back." She stood up, then walked out the door.

Eddie waited a moment before following. He paused in the doorway to the living room. "Help?"

Emma glanced at him. "With what? Stealing my sister away from Shawn? I thought we were all friends."

"Emma.. I'm not.." He started to explain. "Something is wrong with her.."

She crossed her arms. "Is that all you can come up with? I know you lied to me earlier and that Violet was in your room, but I can't figure out why you lied to me."

"I.." He trailed off. "Violet doesn't love me, I'm telling you something is wrong with her.." He winced when he felt something sharp in his side.

"Not another word," Violet hissed softly,  then pulled her blood stained knife back, then she easily pushed him down.

Emma quickly knelt down beside him. "Eddie?" She quickly found something that would hopefully stop the bleeding. "What do you want, Violet? And why are you doing this?"

Violet watched her for a moment. "Ryman wants everyone dead, including you." She answered.

Emma briefly glanced at her. "You too, Vi, he wants you dead to." She glanced back at Eddie. "When you wake up from this evil spell or whatever it is, you will feel bad for the things you have done."

Violet shook her head. "No I won't!" She insisted. "I'll be happy about all I had done!"

Emma sighed. "I don't have time to argue right now."

Violet chuckled. "That's right." She clutched the knife tighter in her hand. "Come on sister, we should make this last battle heroic for you! You can go down a hero."

Emma ignored her. "Think you can stand up?" She asked Eddie. She held out her hand. "Come on."

Chris and Dom helped them.

Violet opened her mouth to say something, when someone tackled her. Her lips curved upward in a smile. "I was wondering when you was going to join us, Shawn." She twisted out of his grasp, then swung the knife at him.

Shawn caught her hand before she could stab him. "Don't even think about it."

Dom and Chris helped him to his feet. "Are you okay now?" Dom asked.

Eddie nodded, wincing. "I.. I will be.." He glanced over at Emma. "I.. I'm sorry, Em.." He winced. "I.. I shouldn't have.."

Emma shook her head. "You don't have to apologize." She stared at him for a moment. "But we should get you to the hospital. How are you feeling now?"

He pushed himself away from the others. "I'm.. Fi.." He staggered slightly. "I feel dizzy.." He collapsed.

She hurried over and knelt down beside him. "Eddie?!" She quickly checked his neck for a pulse. "Eddie? Can you hear me?"

Somebody must have called 911, because the next thing she knew, an ambulance had pulled up.


To be continued... This story has one more chapter to go, then I will get started on the sequel. I'm so excited!!!! The first original story that I finished!!! Hurray!!! So stay tuned, folks!

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