Chapter Seventeen

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Emma had grown closer to Chris in the days following her argument with Eddie. She was starting to miss him though. "Do you think I was to hard on him?" She asked softly.

Chris shook his head. "No, I don't. After all he was the one who listened in on us."

She laid her head on his shoulder. "You're right. Should we get back to planning Ryman's demise?" They both chuckled at that.


"Talk to her," Violet encouraged him. "I'm sure she's not still angry about what happened."

Eddie shook his head. "I can't. She wants nothing to do with me. I can't really say that I blame her." He rubbed his forehead. "I just miss her, you know?"

She sighed. "I know. And she brought up your sister? That's a low blow." She loved Emma and all, but sometimes she made her so mad. "I'm trying to get Shawn to go on a mini vacation with me. You should come to."

"With you and Shawn? So I can watch you kiss? Hard pass."

She chuckled at that. "The cabin that I'm looking at was more than one cabin, so I doubt we would even run into each other very often. But if you went, you would be away from Emma for a while."

"Tempting," he chuckled. "But nah. I already got a trip planned."

She glanced at him. "What trip?" She asked curiously. "Going on vacation? Without me?"

"Never," he promised her. "It's a one way ticket from Petal Peak."

She stared at him in shock. "Your.. leaving?" She frowned. "But we need you.."

"No one needs me, not anymore anyways. You have Shawn, and Emma has Chris. And I'm pretty sure that Dom and Ciara will probably get together. Besides I need to actually go out and look for my sister."

"I hate it that you think no one needs you." She pulled him into a hug. "I'm going to really miss you."

He hugged her back. "Your probably the only one." He pulled away from her. "I'll miss you too."


Chris took a deep breath. "I actually feel better just saying what we would like to do to Ryman if he was here."

Emma nodded. "I do too." She slid her hand into his, laying her head on his shoulder. "I guess we should get up now," she groaned softly.

He nodded in agreement. "Unfortunately." He kissed the top of her head. "You've seemed kind of off the past couple of days, everything alright?"

She nodded. "Things are okay.. I guess.."  She sighed. "I just miss talking to Eddie, you know? We had been friends for a while, and now we aren't.. And I brought up his sister.."

He glanced at her. "I didn't even know he had a sister."

"He told me about her a couple of years ago. Her name was Savannah. Savannah Gray." She sighed softly. "Savannah came up missing a couple of days after her and Eddie got into an argument. I don't know much about what happened though."

He just listened to her in silence.


Violet wiped the tears out of her eyes, as she made her way back into the room.

Shawn sat up when he saw her. "Vi? Is something wrong?" He asked, concerned.

She crawled on the bed beside him unable to answer. She curled up against him, then started crying.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. "It's okay," he whispered softly. "Look whatever it is we will get through it. We can get through anything," he promised.

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