Chapter Nineteen

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The world seemed silent for days, almost as if it was holding its breath for what was sure to happen next. Something was about to happen, everyone knew that which was why tempers ran so high.

Violet paced across the floor, trying to ignore the silence that stretched between them. "Shawn? Say something." She begged.

Shawn was sitting on the couch, just staring at the tv as if he was watching it, even though it wasn't on.

She stopped pacing to glance at him. "You not going to talk to me?" She asked. "I can read your mind you know."

He chuckled, glancing at her. "Is that so? Not when I'm not thinking anything you can't."

She sat down beside him. "Now that we are kind of talking..." She trailed off.

He glanced back towards the tv, then sighed. "Fine, want to talk? Let's talk." He took a deep breath, rubbing his forehead. He glanced back at her. "You like him, admit it. No wait, it's more than like. You love him, don't you?"

She shook her head. "No, I love you. And only you." She protested.

He shook his head. "I bet if he came in here right now and asked if you want to get something to eat, you would completely forget about this conversation."

"That's not true!" She tried to think of a way to make him believe that. "Why would I fall for someone like him?" She asked. "I love you and no one else. I just wanted to be there for him as a friend since he's going through a tough time."

He glanced at her, not completely sure whether or not to believe her. "If that's true that's a relief to hear from you. But I will find out if you're not telling the truth. I need some fresh air," he stood up and walked out of the room.

She watched him leave and sighed.

A moment later, Emma joined her. "You shouldn't do that."

"Do what?" Violet asked innocently, glancing at her.

Emma crossed her arms. "You know what. Tell Shawn that you love him, when you're clearly in love with Eddie."

Violet rolled her eyes. "Are not! I'm just choosing to be there for Eddie since he's going through a rough time since you won't!"

Emma sighed. "So you like him out of pity? That's just as bad, Violet. I'm sure that Eddie doesn't want your pity. But I  think you love him, in which case you need to tell Shawn."

Violet shook her head. "I can't or won't tell Shawn anything!"

Emma glanced at her in shock. "So it is true! You love Eddie." She sighed. "Tell Shawn."

"Why?" Violet asked stubbornly. "It's not like Eddie loves me back or anything, we are just friends."

Emma sighed. "Shawn is going to find out and it will not end well. I have known him a little longer than you have and you may not know this, but something like this has happened to him before. And I will not see him get hurt like that again."

Violet glared at her. "You also knew Eddie longer," she pointed out. "But I'm going to deal with this in my own way, so keep out of this!" She stood up and stormed to her room, slamming the door behind her.


A few days passed, which quickly turned into a few weeks. Violet and Emma rarely spoke, and Violet realized that even Shawn seemed distant from her.

Chris, Dom, and Ciara was still talking to her at least, even Eddie. "Who could stay mad at you?" Dom asked. "Don't worry, she will come around." He assured her.

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