Chapter Fourteen

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Ciara stood up in the waiting room when Violet came back. "So how did it go? How's Shawn doing? Was he happy to see you?"

Violet sighed. "Shawn's fine, he can't remember what happened in the building or if he talked to Emma. So I kept asking him questions, and then he snapped at me and I don't even know what I did wrong."

Ciara sighed. "You probably kept asking him way too many questions."

Violet shrug. "Still he didn't have to be so rude about it. Anyways, how about if we look for Eddie and Dom and help rescue my sister, I'm tired of being here." She walked off towards the elevators.

Ciara sighed, then hurried to catch up to her. "You should try apologizing to him."

"For what? I didn't do anything wrong. He was the one who snapped at me."


Emma watched Dom tie Ryman up. "Anything I can do to help?" She asked, to which he just shook his head. She sighed, then walked over to stand beside Eddie. "Thank you for coming to save me."

Eddie smiled. "It was no trouble. You would have done the same for any of us, I hope anyways," he glanced at her. "Are you okay?"

She nodded. "I am, thanks for asking. I guess that I'm just tired." She frowned as what happened in the building flashed through her mind. "Do either of you know if Shawn is okay? He got thrown threw the 8th floor window."

His smile faded. "No, I haven't heard anything."

Dom glanced up when he had finished. "I heard one of the bystanders called the ambulance. I don't know how bad his injuries are, but Violet went to the hospital to check up on him."

Emma nodded. "That's good, I hope he's okay. I think my sister has a crush on him."

Ryman's eyelids flickered open, but they hardened when he noticed they had company. "Why are you two here?" He asked.

Eddie propped up against the wall, smirking. "Rescue mission. Why are you here? Kidnapping mission? How about we take you back with us, and you turn Chris back?" He crossed his arms. "Or you can refuse, and we'll feed you to some hungry crocodile somewhere, I'm sure there's a zoo close by. Your choice."

Ryman glared at him. "The word you would use is renegade. Can I go now? I have places to be." He tried to wiggle himself free.

Dom watched him. "Nope, your lieing. You don't have places to be. You have people to kill. Sound right?"

Ryman rolled his eyes. "I forgot you were telepathic." He groaned. "Okay, fine.. let's head back. How about Rachel though? We can't leave without her."

Emma shrug. "Why not? You've left without her before?" She placed her hands on her hips, giving him a sassy glare.


Ciara paused at the elevators. "You know what, you go on ahead. I'll be there in a moment." After Violet nodded, she moved away from their elevator and back towards the room. He was in room 208. She walked down the hall until she found it, she paused in the already open doorway. She knocked lightly on the door frame so she wouldn't startle him. "Shawn?"

Shawn kept his gaze on the wall. "What?" He asked softly.

She took the seat next to the bed. "What happened between you and Violet?" She asked, keeping her voice low.

After a moment, he finally glanced at her. "She seemed obsessed with trying to get me to remember by asking the same questions. I know she's worried about Em, and I am too. I want to be out there helping find her, that was where Violet needed to be. So I don't know what happened, I just snapped at her."

She put her hand on his. "It's okay. Of course you were short with her, any one would have been especially if she kept with the questions."

He shook his head. "No, it wasn't okay.. I.. I should have been nicer to her.. her sister's missing and she's just worried about her.."

She sighed. "Shawn, you didn't do anything wrong there, it was her." She tried to assure him. "Violet should not have pressured you for answers that you couldn't remember."

He glanced back at the wall. "I hate this," he whispered softly. "I hate myself for letting this happen.."

"What?" She glanced at him in confusion. "For letting what happen? Emma getting kidnapped, for getting hurt or the argument with Violet?"

He just shook his head, but didn't say anything else.

She sighed. "Shawn, you didn't do anything," she said. "Listen to me, you did nothing wrong. I'm sure when Violet cools off and then Emma comes down here to check on you after getting saved, they will both tell you the same thing. There is someone to blame, but it's not you."


Violet paced around outside, waiting for Ciara. She glanced back towards the double doors, watching as people came out and went in, probably to visit someone in here. Then someone appeared beside her, which made her jump, until she noticed who it was. "Emma!" She squealed excitedly, pulling her sister into a hug.

Emma hugged her back. "Eddie and Dom managed to save me, and now they are taking Ryman to the house to undo what he did to Chris. So I decided to literally pop in here and check on Shawn. How's he doing?"

Violet sighed. "He snapped at me. He's okay though which is good, but he still snapped at me. All I was doing is asking questions about what happened. So he kicked me out of his room."

Emma chuckled. "He got hurt, so you shouldn't pester him so much with questions. You should always wait until he's better."

Violet rolled her eyes, but also chuckled. "Why didn't you tell me that?"

Emma shrug. "I just did." They hugged again. "Come on, I want to visit him while I'm here."

Violet sighed. "I don't think he'll want to see me. But he's in room 208, you can go up if you like."

Emma shook her head, grabbing Violet's hand, then pulled her towards the door. "Come on, sis. We are both going, together."


Ciara stayed with him until he drifted off, then she stood up and was about to leave when Emma came in, dragging Violet behind her. "Hello, Ciara." Emma smiled.

Ciara smiled back. "Hey, I'm glad you're okay and you was rescued." She headed towards the door, then paused and turned back towards them. "Oh, by the way, he blames himself. I wasn't sure what he was talking about though."

Violet and Emma exchanged a glance, as Ciara disappeared out the door.

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