Material Girl

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Cause we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl
You know that we are living in a material world
And I am a material girl


"Can't you take a hint?!"

Toni was furious, but tried to suppress it as best as she could whilst talking hushedly into the receiver of the phone. She'd barely took two steps into the Principles office before he was shoving the device into her hands. "It's for you", was all he'd said.

The man in question was perched opposite her, eyes casually flitting about the room as she took her call- pretending not to be listening. But Toni knew he was. She knew he was hanging on to her every word. Hence her whispering.

"You're gonna have to come in kid." Was the reply from the other end, the familiar voice of Captain Murphy filtering through the phone.

Toni grit her teeth, "Why?"

"You're a witness" he said, "Just as Riggs is. You need to give a statement about what you saw the other day"

A sigh rolled passed the girls lips, and she didn't bother to suppress it. She wanted the captain to know how pissed off she was.

"I'm not working for you anymore. And I'm definitely not working with him"

"You don't have much of a choice in the matter" he said, "It's either that, or juvenile prison"

"I'll take my chances" she muttered under her breath, twirling the phone cord around her fingers. From the corner of her eye she saw Principle Simmons frown. He leant forward and batted a hand at her, making her drop the wire with a defeated pout.

Murphy continued, "Officer Murtaugh will be there to pick you up at three o'clock"

Toni opened her mouth to object, but the captain was speaking again, "until then, try and stay out of trouble"

Then he was telling her to give the phone back to Simmons. She sighed, before following order and passing the device to him, "He wants to speak to you, Frank"

Simmons spared her a disapproving look at the use of his forname. Less, he took the phone from her without any further comment.

"Hello again, Sir" he addressed Murphy, followed by a short lapse of silence as the captain prattled down his ear.

"Uhuh...mhm...yes, sir...hmm"

It went on like that for a few more minutes, Toni only hearing a one side of their conversation. She craned her neck in her struggle to hear what her Head and the captain were discussing- but her attempts were fruitless. She eventually gave in and fell back into her seat, slumping down into the cushions with a great, heaving sigh. The picture of boredom.

"Will do, Sir. And to you, Goodbye", and just like that the call had ended.

Simmons turned to the girl. She flashed him a winning smile.

He sighed and put his head in his hands.

"Do I really wanna know?" She heard him asked, muffled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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