Manic Monday

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It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my fun day
My I don't have to run day
It's just another manic Monday


After the rather exciting Saturday at her new "job", Toni came to the swift conclusion that she no longer wanted anything to do with Riggs, Murtaugh and the rest of those psychotic dick-brains at the LAPD; and thus, decided to cut all ties with them.

Screw her community service, she'd rather take her chances in juvenile prison than be nearly blown to bits again.

In fact, It wasn't long after the impact of the explosion when Toni was being shuffled along into the hands of the paramedics- where they proceeded to do a full diagnostic on her.

She tried to stay as still as possible during it all, but there were times where they'd pull out a new tool from their box and she'd flinch violently away from it, asking "what's that?"

The lady overseeing her frowned impatiently, "it's a Haemogulcometer" she said, as if she weren't talking to a twelve year old.

"Yeah, course it is" Toni deadpanned, before looking away with a hiss when the lady grabbed her hand, pricking her fingertip and took a drop of her blood.

She caught Riggs' eye, and found him smirking at her, amused by her interaction with the paramedic.

"You all good?" He asked once he got the "all clear" look from the paramedics, coming over to where she sat, perched on the bumper of the ambulance.

"Yeah. The lady said it was just a few bumps and cuts" was her offhand reply. She was more interested in scrutinising the finger that the lady drew blood from. "Nothing to worry about"

She heard him let out a sigh of relief. "That's good" He said, laughing breathily. "That's real good, kid. God, Murphy would'a had my head if I'd got you killed in the first twenty-four hours we got you"

Toni's head snapped up so fast the young man swore she got whiplash. She was glaring fiercely at him.

"Oh, so that was it, huh?"

He paused. The smirk still toyed with the corner of his lips for a few short seconds, before vanishing. A sharp frown replaced it. "What?" he asked, bemused.

"You" She snapped. Riggs watched, dumbfounded, as the girl jumped up from the bumper, giving him a small shove in the chest as she did. "Giving a shit about whether I was okay or not back there?" She laughed, loud and mocking, "Oh, But you weren't really concerned about me. No, you were too busy thinking about what your captain would do to you"

She jabbed a finger into his chest, and he quickly swatted it away, glaring darkly at her. She scoffed, and continued, "It makes sense now. You weren't being nice to me, you were just tryna cover for your own ass"

He stepped into her space, forcing her to step back till the back of her legs hit the bumper of the ambulance, and she fell down into her seat with a gasp.

He stooped down, so that they were eye-to-eye and growled, "Why would I be nice to you kid? From the get-go you've been nothing but a selfish, whiny little brat, who thinks the world owes her something" the words cut through the air like ice, and Toni found herself shrinking back into her seat.

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