Radio Ga Ga

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All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah

Riggs had hired a cop car whilst his truck was still in repairs. It was smaller, less stylish- and not to mention the atmosphere in said car was completely silent.

Though it could have been worse, she thought. She could have been walking home.

Toni was surprised that Riggs hadn't said anything when she jumped up front, pushing her luck by making herself comfortable in the passenger seat. He did give her a look, but she brushed it off and turned away from him, content on gazing out the window instead.

They drove in an awkward stillness, neither one willing to break the quiet and talk to the other. And they were both perfectly fine with that.

Music thrummed through the car radio, an old tune that immediately struck a cord in Toni's memory, as well as hitting hard in her chest.

Her mother's favourite song.

Through the sudden lump in her throat she found herself humming along to the tune, not quite able to remember the words- but eager to sing along to it in some sort of way.

Riggs ignored her humming- in fact, he tried his best to ignore the girl completely.

He found that it was better to pretend he was alone in the car- which helped soothe the pounding headache that had been bothering him since the girl found him in the workshop.

As if it couldn't get any worse, the girls humming seemed to be getting louder. Riggs grumbled to himself as the voice of Dusty Springfield warbled out from the radio speakers. He hated this song. It made him feel short of breath and sick to his stomach.

It was Vicky's song.

Quickly, Riggs reaches over, switching the radio dial. There's a moment of static, which startles the girl beside him, before a different song from a new station can be heard.

He catches the kid glaring at him out the corner of his eye, before physically turning away from him. She's back to looking out the window in what Riggs can only describe as "pre-teen melodramatics".

he hears her mumble, "Dick"

He mutters back. "Brat"

The car resumes its silence once again.

Instantly, static blares through the radio. It's loud and sharp, and grates on Toni's nerves. She grits her teeth in annoyance as the deafening buzz-buzzing of the radio continues; she assumes Riggs is changing the station again.

It stops. And Toni breathes in relief.

Until it starts up again.


"Dude, stop touching that fucking dial"

"I'm not", Riggs bites. "It's this stupid piece of shit hire-car, 'must have loose buttons or something"

With a free hand, Riggs begins turning all the knobs on the dashboard, frantically trying to get the static to cease.

He turns the main dial to the left. To the right. To the left-

Instantly, a voice babels through the radio and startles the two. They jump, looking to the radio, before glancing at each other.

The voice is incoherent to Toni, just a bunch of loud sounds and words that don't make sense to her ears. The only thing she can determine however, is that the speaker is a male.

"Is that even English?" Toni asks, as the undetectable voice drones on.

"No" Riggs replies, and bangs a fist on the dashboard several times, trying to fix the radio. Yeah, coz that's gonna work isn't it? She thinks, shaking her head at him, before straining to hear the voice again. The language sounded oddly familiar. Is that...

"Russian?" She asks, watching Riggs, as he too tries to distinguish the language being spoken.

He makes his own guess, "German?"

They look to each other, before shrugging.

Toni reaches over, intending to turn the sound up. She must've touched the wrong button, because in the next moment the Russian-German man disappears, and a new voice thunders through the receiver.

"- requesting an officer on site, over"

In one fluid motion, Riggs picks up the transceiver, and speaks hurriedly into it. Toni watches from the passenger seat, stunned as Riggs talks to the officer on the other side of the radio.

He asks what the issue is, and both of them listen with rapt attention as he receives a long winded response. The answer is fuzzy and hard to make out through the radio, but when Toni hears the word explosives, her mind reels.

It couldn't be...

"The Location, over?" Riggs asks, and glances at the girl beside him. Unbeknownst to her, He's thinking the same thing as she is.

"-Eastbound, eighth street" Toni hears, before Riggs drops the walkie-talkie and lurches into action. The car makes a hard right, before speeding down the road, sending Toni back into her seat with a thud.

"Woah" she exclaims, finding her voice. "What the hell is going on?"

"Emergency detour" Riggs half yells, eyes never leaving the road as he switches the sirens on, speed climbing as he weaves through ongoing traffic with expertise. "sorry kid, home-time can wait. 'Just been a report- something fishy taking place on eighth street. I gotta check it out"

Eighth street wasn't too far from them, just a couple blocks away from their current location.

"You're taking me with you?" Was her reply, a sudden tendril of thrill and excitement filling her up. "To a crime scene? Like, a real crime scene?"

Riggs turned left, tires squealing- Toni shrieked in both shock and exhilaration. He smirked at her. "Geez kid don't piss your pants" he said before turning serious, "you're gonna wait in the car"

Hardly disheartened by the news that she wouldn't be at the crime scene per-say; the girl found herself letting out a "whoop" of joy. She watched in awe as the Sergeant ran red light after red light in their quest to reach eighth street, sirens whirring to match the thump thump of her heart. This was crazy.

"Wait" she paused to faced him, wearing a shit eating grin. "does this mean I get to be a cop too? Holy shit, that's awesome"

"Watch your fucking mouth, kid"

(Authors note: another chapter down! This ones a bit shorter than the others so I apologise for that. I'm also very sorry for the wait! I'm still trying to get my feet under me with this story, so bear with me. Next chapter! The crime scene! Will Toni behave herself and follow Riggs' orders?? Probably not. We'll have to find out!!!

Also please let me know how you think this story is going so far? Too slow? Do I need to include more things?? Im trying my best to keep it interesting but also focus on the relationships building with the characters- hopefully Riggs will start being a little nicer to Toni)

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