Bigmouth strikes again

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Bigmouth, oh bigmouth, la
Bigmouth strikes again
Finding the workshop was half the battle, but after three wrong turns down a number of separate hallways that all looked the same, Toni arrived at a large double-door with the sign "Workshop 1- Automobile repairs" above it.

This must be it, she thought.

She peered through the windows, spotting a bunch of men working on some seriously busted up cop cars. Yep, this is definitely the right place.

Everyone seemed to work in a rhythm; skilfully mending the run down bodies of the automobiles as if on autopilot; passing tools from one workspace to the next just as the next person would need it, and weaving in and out of each other to get from one side of the workshop to the other.
The picture reminded Toni of that scene from snow white, where all the dwarfs are mining and singing together. Except, there was no singing, or mining, or dwarfs- just a bunch of sweaty workmen drilling and screwing away.

All in all, this workshop was the most interesting place she'd seen all day.

A familiar black pick-up caught her eye, as well as the even more familiar head of hair poking out from behind it. Riggs.

With a grimace, Toni reluctantly opened the door- and walked in.

A bunch of workers paused what they were doing to idly stare as she passed by, before resuming with their work as if she hadn't entered the room in the first place. From some rather angry looks she received, Toni guessed that they too knew about her little incident with Riggs' truck. Wow, Word travels fast round these parts.

She stopped just before the pick up, straying a good distance from Riggs, who was deep in concentration-buffing out a rather nasty scratch down the side of the car with some wax and cloth. Tree branch, Toni remembered with a wince.

She cleared her throat, and watched as the young man gave her a passing glance, before returning his attention to the truck.

She coughed again, and he turned to her this time, giving her an expectant look.

"These are for you" she said, handing him the coffee and files.

He dropped the dirty rag in his hand, and took the items from her without so much as a word. She watched in silence as he flicked through the files, taking a large swig of his coffee, before throwing the envelope on the tool cabinet beside him- discarding it completely.

"That's fine. It's not like I spent all morning sorting those for you"

He scoffed, "You think sorting files is hard work?"

"I think any work is hard work when your twelve" she bit back, before scrunching her brows up at him quizzically.

The man wore regular clothes, unlike the other workmen- who were dressed in blue overalls, a clear sign of a work uniform. Due to the lack of appropriate uniform, Riggs' shirt was ruined, sporting huge splatters of oil and dirt stains. That, and the fact that he worked haphazardly and with no rhythm at all like the other workers, lead Toni to believe that Riggs belonged down here no more than she did.

Which then prompted her to ask,

"Why are you repairing the truck yourself? They literally hire people here to do that for you"

"Because, I'd rather fix the damage myself, thank you"

And with that, he picked a hammer and dolly up from the top drawer tool cabinet; and began steadily beating away at the side of the truck- trying to fix the massive dent just above the front wheel.

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