Chapter 4 : Let The War Begin Part 1

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"Were they and Jhonsons also always friends?"

"No, I was wondering about that, the first time I saw them sitting together was..." His eyes widen "Holy Sh*t!"


"I think the only reason the Jhonsons started talking to Anne was to make you suffer. Maybe they asked her to retaliate."

"I wouldn't put that past Drake and the other two mostly listen to him." I look over again and she is laughing at something Noah said.

"But whatever maybe be the initial reason, it seems they have become friends."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Hello to my favorite dumbasses!" Dylan says slapping our backs.

"Hey you idiot, Basketball tryouts?" Dasher asks.

"Yeah, they are this afternoon. We were voting and Jones got the Captain position." As if on cue the table across from us erupts in cheers.

"What are you guys planning to do tomorrow?" Dylan asks.

"I will most probably spend the day with Soph." Dasher answers with faraway look. It seems like he is already planning.

"I would spend the day at home and maybe face time some friends back in New York." I shrug.

"You two are such wimps! And Jake it is your first weekend here we should go to a party!" A party huh...

"As a matter of fact we should, a party at the Jones'." I smirk.

"What? But there is no party...they would never..." Dasher's eyes widen in realization "What are you planning?"

"Let's just say there is going to be the best party ever at the Jones', celebrating the fact that Asher got made the basketball team captain." Now let's see pretty girl, how you handle this.

"How are you going to do that? No cancel that, Is it necessary? I mean you really acted like an asshole that day in the parking lot and they took revenge, let it be." Dasher tries to reason with me. But we are past reason...

"Revenge was when she punched me, that Mia incident was uncalled for."

"Well, I want to know how you will do that." Dylan says.

"We can tell the football team about the party and ask them to spread the message 'cause if we tell the basketball team the news may reach Asher before it spreads. Dasher, are you in?"

He mutters something that sounded like "The things you have to do for friends." He then sighs "If Anne comes after me just know I would throw you two under the bus."

"She would not it is a one on one game, just we can take help from our friends." I reassure.

"And how do you know that?"

"I just know."


Currently, we are sitting on the bleachers as basketball tryouts are about to start. Suddenly, I feel a pair of eyes glaring holes through the side of my head. I turn to meet familiar baby blues and the glare they are sending is deadly.

I just smirk and hold a finger up. Jake: 1, Anne: 2. But what I didn't expect was her glare to be gone and her sneer being replaced by a mocking smile.

She then shakes her head and signs wait and watch. What is going on in that pretty head of hers?

"Hey look, the tryouts are starting!" Dasher exclaims, dragging my attention towards the reason we actually came here.

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