Chapter 2 - Punishment

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Of course they'll get mixed reactions. Toga giggling again. Dabi too tired to care- but subtly glaring at them and the more obvious glaring daggers of Izuku. The two heroes just stood there- looking at them, analyzing them, Izuku thought- for a few minutes, and the tension of the room is suffocating enough for Izuku to sit up, sighing, before asking:

"So are you here to announce that we'll be thrown in jail to rot, or you'll just kill us right on the spot?" Izuku tiredly asked, and at this, Dabi face palmed. There must be a reason for Izuku questioning that because he knew that Izuku was the smartest one out of all of them.

"Well, if you are thinking about jail, forget about it. You're too young for it." Eraserhead begrudgingly spoke, which made the kids looking surprised and anticipated where they are going.

"As Eraserhead already said, you are not to go to jail, rather, you'll study and participate here in UA, as part of Villain Rehabilitation for young villains. I am sure at some point all of you wanted to be heroes, and before you complain, it's either jail or this. Your choice." Nezu said as he shushed the mouths of kids before they can even complain.

At that, both Dabi and Deku's head was slammed to the table in front of them respectively at the same time while Toga just squealed, as she will see more people now. Izuku thought that if he knew when he was a kid that there is a chance that he'll study in UA without getting through the tests is this easy, he'll go straight to villainy. But now is very different, as this was now out of his sight ever since everyone crushed his dreams.

And which is why, Deku asked a question that he didn't know will bite him later.

"Uhm, kinda sorry to say this, these two can be still be in rehab as they only killed for orders, but me? I kinda killed for the enjoyment. Is it okay for me to still be in this rehab?" He said with a smile in his face, a smile that can bring shivers to the spine. And also a fake smile that only his friends know, and the smooth lie he spat. Since they recognized it, Toga looked at him in bewilderment and slight betrayal, and Dabi scoffed.

You can see Eraserhead being shocked, as he remembered something. Rage and anguish began creeping on the back of his mind as he remembered that the bastard in front of him was the reason why his friend was dead, in that mass bombing 2 years ago.

He walked up to Izuku quickly and pulled him in his collar, which Izuku just smiled ever widely, as if mocking the hero. The occupants in the room was startled by the sudden movement,  their eyes widening at the sight.

"It's you. You are the mastermind in that bombing 2 years ago, aren't you? How come you are not guilty that you killed hundreds of people in that moment?!" He shouted in Izuku's face, which Izuku laughed so hard- so bitter that Eraserhead became confused and made him loosen his hold a little.

"Grief is not a thing for me. I can't afford to care for it. After all, a person told me to take a swan dive off the roof, after a week after my mother died in a shootout protecting me in the same mall you mentioned, without being saved by the heroes in the area that time. Let's just say, I took the advice and a huge part of my whole existence was erased. Okay?" Izuku replied with a deadly calm tone, and Eraserhead let go of him, albeit a little harsh, and went out of the room to talk to with Nezu outside. Once they are outside, he started his rant.

"Nezu, I know I am not being rational and acting on feelings right now, but that kid killed a thousand! He was supposed to rot in jail. He was supposed to be in Tartarus. The other two did it because they are just obeying orders but this kid? He was more of a higher up. Hell, his kill count is even more than Shigaraki Tomura." Eraserhead exclaimed, fuming. He was now against the fact that a person who killed thousands deserve a chance. Let's just say the hero lost his cool, after all seeing the one who killed his friend will make anyone to lose their cool, in fact if it wasn't him the kid will be dead now. That is if he can kill them first. A silent voice in his head said.

"Shouta, haven't you just heard a part of his story? His mother is killed, because at that time heroes was not competent enough. And even knowing that, someone said to him that he should kill himself. Can't you see that this is a chance to turn a villain, no matter he is No. 3 or not, a new leaf? As I heard, Midoriya wanted to be a hero ever since he was a kid, can't you give him a chance he may deserve? Aren't you curious what the kid is hiding for him to turn like that? Not only that, we can get the information against the league if we get them on our side." Nezu answered, pulling out the first name card, and as much to Aizawa's dismay, it makes sense. This kid maybe just broken. In fact, you can just say he may be as good as shattered glass, by the laugh the kid gave earlier that Aizawa just now processed. It's so bitter, so full of despair and a kid shouldn't sound like that. But this rehabilitation can give the kid the chance to glue himself together. Well not only that, but because of Nezu said, the hero was just curious to see the life of No. 3 villain. He want to know what made him like that. Because, as much as he doesn't want to admit, the look in the kid when he smiles was not genuine. It was more like, he didn't want to be a villain in the first place, maybe he was forced to it? And that is what made Aizawa determined to know what the kid has gone through.

With a deep sigh, Aizawa agreed to Nezu, and they went back to the room of the three villains. The three of them are silent, and seem to engage in a staring match. 

"So, you are starting tomorrow-" Eraserhead interrupted their staring match, but his statement was also cut off by the same kid he was angry at minutes earlier.

"So I am allowed?" Izuku chuckled, and that made Aizawa glare daggers at him.

"Yes you are allowed and I promise that I'll make your life here in UA harder than any student here." The hero replied, and Dabi rolled his eyes.

"I undertand, and I'd like to see you try." Izuku responded dryly, which Aizawa for the umpteenth time of the day sighed.

"You are starting tomorrow at class 2-A. Uniforms is in the drawers beside you and class starts at 8 am. Aizawa will fetch you." Nezu informed the trio, before turning around to exit the room with Aizawa but before they can even reach the door, Midoriya called out.

"Wait!" Izuku shouted, which made the two people turn around. "Uhm, guess I am sorry Eraser. 'Bout your loss. I know I can't spill it out now, but you'll soon learn the reason. See you around." The kid said without even giving them a look and then went under the blanket.

Nezu was outside the door now but Eraserhead just stood there dumbfounded. Did a villain said sorry?

Nezu met up with Aizawa outside, with a face that held much hope in it. Actually scratch that, he never seen the principal smile like this before.

"I told you, there is still good in the kid." Nezu chuckled, and Aizawa just ignored it and grunted.

Back in the Villains' room, Izuku was stuck under the blanket. Not ever wanting to get out of it as he heard his friends bickering on why he was hella strange this day and even offered a sorry to a hero.

He just now thought that maybe, he can still fulfill the faint dream within him after all. Even if he wasn't to become a hero, well- fixing his mistakes is enough.

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