20: Island Getaway

Start from the beginning

They tingled.

- - - - -

You woke up the next morning to the sound of someone working in the kitchen.

You rubbed your eyes, stretching as you adjusted to the light of morning. You looked over to the kitchen to see who was making the noise, and you were surprised when you saw Jungkook.

You stood up from the mass of pillows and blankets, seeing Jimin and Taehyung still sleeping peacefully. The sight of them sleeping soundly made you smile, and you quietly stepped over Tae to make your way to the kitchen.

"Morning." you said to Jungkook.

Hearing you made him jump in surprise, but he soon smiled.

"Morning. How was your rest?" he asked.

"Good, I think. I don't even remember falling asleep."

He nodded. "Same here. Felt good waking up this morning."

You smiled, noticing him making egg omelettes. "Need any help with breakfast?"

"It's alright, I'm almost done. Hopefully the smell of food will wake those two up."

You giggle. "Don't  take this the wrong way, but... I never imagined you to be someone who's good in the kitchen."

"Aww, what's that supposed to mean?" he teased, "You think I'm too rough and manly for this kind of stuff?"

You roll your eyes with a smile. "I wouldn't describe you as 'rough' or 'manly' either, honestly."

He imitates being shot in the heart, and you giggle again.

"Ah, y/n... don't you know there's some things you should just never say to a man? You're killing my pride, here."

"Ah, I apologize for tearing a hole in your fragile masculinity. My mistake."

"Alright, you're just asking for it now." he takes a bit of scrambled egg and flings it in your face.


He laughs. "Ah, y/n, I think you got a little something? Right there?"

"Oh, shush." you wipe your fingers over your face. "You're so childish."

"I'm surprised it took you this long to figure that out." he grins.

The two of you bantered back and forth the rest of the morning, which made you happy. It's been so serious with everyone recently, so letting your guard down every once in a while made you relax.

Soon enough, Jimin and Taehyung woke up, and the four of you sat at the dining room table and ate breakfast together, engaging in comfortable and casual conversation. It was refreshing to finally talk about things that weren't related to the Bangtan Experiment.

But of course, that pleasant feeling was short lived.

Everyone's phones suddenly vibrated, signaling a text. You all exchanged knowing looks at each other, and since you had your phone nearby, you opened the message to read it out to the others.

"Good morning bangtans, this is Roseanne. I hope you slept well."

Taehyung snorted.

"At exactly 12 noon, you will all meet at the bus stop at the coordinates I will send in a separate message. You will bring your belongings for a week long trip together at Jeju Island. Please pack anything you would normally bring to a resort retreat."

"A what now?" Jungkook cut in.

"We're going on a... vacation?" Jimin asked.

You continued. "During this trip, I hope you will all bond closer together, as well participate in missions in effort to move along the experiment. I will look forward to seeing you all there."

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