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   "Oh? Do tell." Felicia absentmindedly coerced. Though her eyes were unfocused, her simple words urged Hans to confess the continuation of his words. Felicia is nothing short of distraught by the events which occurred in succession. If anything, she just wants to read a short fairy tale as an act of escapism from the crude reality.

'Like, really? I woke up, cried, met the Prince and played with him. Then I saw the ugliest version of my face yet! I went to the clinic and met a darn capture target and fainted from fear. Then some magic came out of my chest and now I'm trying to have an amicable chat with the cause of my stress!' She is beyond anger at this point. The blood rushes to her head, puffs of smoke curling out of her head. Felicia is steaming with rage.

'Does god really hate me? So much that he gave me this crap? Hah! Who am I kidding? Of course god hates me.' Underneath her poker face is an elongated discussion about her sorrows. Her heart pumped out too much blood, as her head let out fumes of utter dismay. She truly despises today. And if this will be an everyday occurrence, she might just despise living altogether. Just as she was about to rant about wanting to become a farmer in the simple countryside, Hans had finally began talking.

"I am currently seven years old."

Felicia is stunned. The buildup for this moment has collapsed to undefinable debris. Again, she wished for the literary writers out there to scold this boy about his actions, and lecture him about proper novel structure. However, it does not mean she will not listen to him anymore. Felicia is just very anxious now. Of course, she has to keep up her spoiled noble lady facade just to assure her meek heart of her status. "And? I did not ask for a background review."

"I'm getting to that!"

"Are you sure you and Doctor Trinidad are not related?"

"What—? Were you awake at that time? Why didn't I notice you?"

"Ah, enough about that. Just continue your lame story before the maid arrives." Felica lazily replied, skillfully dodging the accusation thrown her way. Her emotions have not falter the slightest bit, and neither her eyebrows rose to express some type of feeling. She is practically unreadable as of now. Hans will never guess her malicious thoughts.

"Lady Felicia, your dinner." A soft voice came from her west. The albino turned her gaze to the maid that just arrived, with two plates dedicated towards Hans and Felicia. The girl nodded, as the maid began to set the table. After a few moments of the ceramics clattering against each other, dinner can now commence. "Lady Felicia, do you have any other request?"

"Yes. Please fetch Dolores quickly."

"Dolores? The maid who had escorted you earlier?" The servant queries once more, with a hint of confusion mixed into her tone. Not wanting to deal with any more noise, Felicia nodded, and requested for her to leave. The maid bowed, keeping her face hidden from Felicia's sight. The noble girl shrugged at the maid's actions. As if she is used to the strained formality and indifferent attitude by the servants towards her.

'I really should raise my fame so no one would be cold to me again!' Felicia sighed quietly, a myriad of thoughts consuming her mind. The two began to silently eat, with the utensils clanging against one another being the only sound coming from their table. The sun had long set, and only a dark violet hue is left on the sky. Their source of light has come from the lamp post charged with magic surrounding Helena Garden. The sight itself is ephemeral. Some flowers are seeable while others blends in the dark. There were three more table sets like the one Felicia and Hans sat in. It clearly looked like the place the ducal family and some of their relatives would enjoy a picnic in. A picnic where Felicia is definitely not invited in.

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