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   "Oh, how do you do?" Those words had been unintentionally said by Felicia. A wry smile wrings itself on her mouth. Her body is exhausted from processing her death and regression of memories; she needn't more tiresome activities such as delighting this boy. It did not matter to her if he was uncomfortable or anxious. If anything, she should be the one glaring at him with hostility.

'If only looks could kill.' The albino snorted inwardly, as her mind delved into sorely humiliating the kid. She always hoped to insult the prideful prince who did not spare her a glance. Felicia did not care either way if she could not attain his affection. What she cannot accept is his blatantly rude attitude. There are plenty skillful means of telling someone you are displeased with them. An eye roll would not suffice for her, a terribly shameless girl.

'In any way, aren't I the patient and the afflicted one? Could you not think of killing me just yet? I have not hurt your heroine, did I not?' Felicia has excellent memory, and if it serves correctly, then didn't she just pass out in front of Olive Garden? Honestly speaking, the entire hatred between them is most definitely superfluous. Felicia stared at Prince Agustin with the same amount of intensity.

No pleasantries are exchanged but cold dead stares were. If you factor in the tension in the air, it seems like they abhor each other's existence to outsiders. Alas, there is too much contempt, so even oxygen escorted itself out of their bloody battle.

"And?" The albino urged the Agustin, her left eyebrow raises in an irritated manner. The boy says nothing but grimaces at her words. Felicia is flabbergasted by his attitude. She has not pulled out her switch blade yet. Felicia pondered about his disgusted gaze.

"If the Prince does not wish to converse, then may I request you to please leave? I am in my convalescence period." Felicia coincided in defeat, raising a white flag of surrendering. She sighed out of her nostrils, her hazy orange eyes signaling to the exit for him to gather his knights and skid away peacefully.

'Seriously speaking, I think the entire dukedom knows the second daughter is in a comatose state for god knows how long. And you are even here to visit. Can't you leave my life alone?' The albino complained in her thoughts. Is it not explicable to let the patient be nursed back in proper shape before you barrage her with baseless hearsays?

"Did you see her?" Agustin spoke up at the very last second. The knights whom were at his beck and call did not utter a word. No clanging of metal armor to be heard, neither faint breathing, but they are tense.

'Lo siento, brothers.' She worriedly stared at them. An apologetic smile was given to the knights. Felicia faced the Prince, and his tussled golden hair.

'If only he halted that demeaning gaze, he could have been perfect.' Felicia despaired over his appearance. It is the case of a beautiful outer coat and rotten inners.

"Her? Who is that?" Felicia deduced his means. By affirming the fact she did not witness the heroine, and then Agustin would most probably have his case done. And the best course of action is playing dumb or speaking vaguely, having the other party be frustrated at the nonsense. It is a bulletproof solution to her predicament against this high-handed child.

"Huh, how strange." Agustin ended up muttering. It made Felicia wonder where his gratitude went for keeping his rendezvous a secret.

"And what is strange, Your Highness?"

"Being at Olive Garden, did you really not see someone?" He interrogated, as suspicion lay in his eyes. His gaze had Felicia think she is a criminal of some sort. She convinced herself she had no guilt, since she did not even know what she was being accused of.

"I was casually taking a stroll, I had not seen anyone." Felicia responded back appropriately. One of the statements is a truth, and the other is false.

The Duke's Sailor Daughter [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now