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   "What is her name, doctor?" It was an innocent voice, filled with curiosity. Hazel eyes clash with red ones, add to the warm orange hue, it appeared Hans is interested in Felicia. The two heated colors meshed perfectly in the light of all, greatly contrasting Hans' jet black head. Although Dolores and Felicia had waltzed in with their presence noticeable, Trinidad valued privacy among his patients and him. He cannot casually give Hans the information he seeks for.

"She is the duke's daughter. Her maid is very scary, so you should not pry in her any longer." Trinidad had distinctly refused to answer the small inquiry. Hans hummed, before shaking his head sideward. As if refusing the response Trinidad gave him.

The doctor looked at his patient with a bewildered stare at the boy's sudden change in expression, as Hans broke out in a soft smile. It is a wonderful difference to the black head's usual stoicism. "But the girl herself is not scary, right? She even cried. I heard it."

"Kid, that is confidential information."

"It is not so confidential if you converse that loud while you are just in the other room." Hans mischievously replied, his bright red eyes revealing amusement. He brought his leg up on the chair, and leaned forward in a condescending manner. If anything, he looked like a playful cat, and Trinidad is his prey. "Then forget you have heard it."

Trinidad, exhausted and weary of dealing with children, forced Hans to assume a proper sitting pose. The doctor promptly went to clean up his true children, his magic examination tools he used on Felicia earlier. A sulky Hans slouched on the chair, with a pout settling on his face, as if Trinidad did the black head wrong. The brunette doctor did not partake in indulging the child's attitude, and scolded Hans about a good posture.

"Anyway, other than the bruises here and there, I think there are no fractures." Trinidad deactivated the bone examiner, the os scrutator. His hazel eyes observe the beaten up figure of the child and felt sympathy. Hans had been struggling to maintain balance but he can somewhat utilize his legs. The doctor frowned deeper, and surveyed the surroundings. No one seems to be passing by as of now. In a hushed voice, Trinidad questioned. "So, are you really not going to tell me the reason why you fell on Lady Francesca's balcony?"

"I worry about my privacy. It seems your security is faulty."

"We are not faulty. You just believe so."

"But I happened to overhear the condition of the duke's second child, although you boast of your privacy. And she is a duke's daughter, her name be praised by the commoners."

"You are making no sense."

"You make no sense. You keep saying we are in the presence of the duke's mansion, but what specifically?"

"You can speak about that to the duke, instead then. Battle with him in debate, and I'll watch you slowly lose."

"You keep saying duke this and duke that but is this really a true duke? Plus, aren't you being too harsh to a kid?"

"Every child needs discipline. Also, why would I lie about the status of my serving family?"

"Maybe because this isn't a duke's mansion."

"And what is your evidence?"

"The room is very lackluster, not to mention the equipment is severely lacking, compared to the capital's hospitals. Not what I am expecting of a doctor's clinic in a duke's mansion." Hans smirked at his snide comments. The black head concluded he is right, seeing as Trinidad looks close to a boiling point by how sour and puckered his face is now.

Trinidad is a very loyal man, especially to a family he serves and is indebted to. At long last, and much falsified struggling, Hans had the knowledge of his location. The boy is suspicious of the people around him, as no ordinary person would take in a stranger that landed on a lady's balcony of all. Well, it is an equivalent exchange as everyone else but the proclaimed duke is suspicious of his origins.

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