"Well let's get this over with," Harry heard a Committee member speak from inside the hut, "Hagrid it might be best if you waited in here."

Hagrid refused as Harry assumed he would.

"Buckbeak! Move!" Harry hissed, yanking on the rope around the Hippogriff's neck. He could hear footsteps from inside the cabin and his task was seemingly more impossible by the second. Harry tugged and tugged and Buckbeak began to walk reluctantly. They were still ten feet from the forest, in clear sight of Hagrid's back door.

"One moment please, Macnair," Dumbledore's voice rung out, "you need to sign too." The footsteps came to a halt and Harry heaved the rope. Buckbeak snapped his beak and walked a little faster. Hermione's white face was sticking out from behind a tree and Draco was brushing dirt off his robes once again.

"Harry, hurry," Hermione mouthed, her voice lost with fear. 

Harry could still hear Dumbledore's voice, he gave the rope another wrench. Buckbeak broke into a begrudging trot. They had reached the trees.

Hermione had sprung to help him with the rope, adding her weight to his. Draco stood a few paces back, his history with the Hippogriff wasn't the greatest.

"Wait, stop," Harry said once they were out of sight. "If we keep going they might hear us."

Draco heard Hagrid's back door open with a bang. Harry, Hermione, Draco and Buckbeak stood perfectly still as they were listening intently.

"Where is it?" the eerie voice of a Committee Member rang out, breaking the silence.

"It was here," the executioner sounded furious, "I saw it tied up!"

"How extraordinary," Dumbledore sounded amused.

"Beaky!" Hagrid cried.
The thud of an axe echoed through the forest. The howling started next. Buckbeak struggled against the rope, trying to get back to Hagrid.

"Gone! Gone! Bless his little beak. Must've pulled himself free, Bucky you clever boy!"

"No, Buckbeak," Harry groaned. He and Hermione had to dig their heels in the dirt to hold back the Hippogriff.

"Someone must've untied him!" The execution snarled, "we should search the grounds, the forest!"

"Macnair, if someone did indeed steal Buckbeak, do you think the thief would've led him away on foot?" Dumbledore mused. "Search the skies if you will...Hagrid I can do with a cup of tea...or a large brandy."

"Of course Professor," Hagrid sniffed with joy, "come in, come in."

Harry, Hermione and Draco  listened, they heard footsteps, the snap of the door and silence fell once more.

"What now?" Harry asked, letting good of Buckbeak's rope, his hands were raw and blistered.

"We can't do anything for now, Sirius won't be in the castle for a couple more hours." Hermione said, tying Buckbeak to a tree.

"So we just wait here then." Harry said, sitting up against another tree.

"You're saying we have two hours and we're just going to sit around?" Draco said, he turned to Hermione, "I thought you were supposed to be smart."

"What, Malfoy? You have a better idea?" Hermione spat.

"Are you surprised Granger?" Draco smirked, "Slytherins are known for our cunningness."

Hermione snorted, "Malfoy you are such a prat, you don't even know the full extent of what's going on, how could you possibly have a better plan?" 

"Hermione!" Harry scolded, "just hear him out."

"Fine," Hermione huffed, "what's your brilliant plan?"

"You two are going to take Buckbeak and I am going to take the invisibility cloak and capture Peter Pettigrew." Draco said.

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