Chapter 7: "Let's Go Girls"

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"Baby girl, If your ends split anymore, you'd be walking around with straw for hair." Ethan said disapprovingly as he trimmed off my ends.

I immediately felt my cheeks burn bright red. I hadn't gotten a haircut in...well...quite a while...clearly.

"Other than that", he continued "it's gorgeous! This curl pattern? To die for."

He continued to tease, shape, and spray my hair until every strand was exactly where he wanted it. When he turned me around, I gasped. Somehow he had turned my slightly unruly, curly hair into something a mermaid would be jealous of. 

Maddy stepped up next. 

"My turn!" she sang, as she began to lay out her brushes on the vanity in front of us. I glanced over at Cassie and Katie who were sitting at their own vanities getting their hair and nails done. 

The room we were in looked like the backstage at a runway show. Ten individual vanities set up against the walls, all decked out with mirrors, lights, and plush chairs that made you feel like you were sitting on a cloud.

Maddy turned from her brushes to examine my face.

"So, tell me about the dress" she said, as she began priming me with expensive smelling product.

I quickly described my dress to her.

"I can do better than just describe it", Cassie yelled from across the room, "Come here, Maddy, I have a picture!"

"When did you take a picture?" I laughed as Maddy walked over.

"OKAY GIRL!" Maddy shrieked!

Ethan glanced over, "WEEEERK BODY!!!" 

Candace, who was sitting by Katie filing her nails, took this opportunity to jump up and immediately began to twerk, "SHE GONNA GET MARRIED- AND WIN THE PAGEANT- BECAUSE SHE LOOK SO SEEEEXY" 

Soon enough, everyone joined in singing and dancing until we were all out of breath from laughing so hard.

Maddy got started right away. She was a makeup expert, knowing exactly what to put on my face and where to put it.

She turned me around to face the mirror and I couldn't believe  my eyes. She'd given me the perfect subtle glam look. Not too much, just enough to brighten my complexion and make my eyes pop.

Candace soon came over and got to work filing, shaping, and scrubbing the nails on my fingers and toes. She smoothed on black nail polish to both.

The glam team was incredible. I'd never felt so gorgeous in my entire life.

Katie was done before me, but Cassie still had about a half hour to go.

We sat down next to a table full of snacks and started chatting.

"See, I told you she was high maintenance," Katie smirked as she nodded in Cassie's direction.

"HEY! I heard that!" Cassie shouted from the chair she was getting her hair done in, with a mouth full of fruit roll up as she sipped the vodka soda in her hand.

"Hey, Katie, what do you think is going to happen tonight? Do you have any idea who the other girls are?" I asked, as I picked at the muffin on my plate.

"Honestly, I don't know. This is all so crazy to me. All I know is that there are ten girls and you and Vanessa account for two of them." she said with a sigh.

"I can't believe we haven't heard from the boys yet", I said, checking my phone, "It's already 5:45!"

"There's no way they'll make it on time, and there's definitely no way they'll show up sober." Katie laughed slightly at the last part.

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