Chapter 1

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The Perfect Date

Chapter 1

"Good Afternoon, LSS, this is Breanne Tetley, how may I help you today?"

"Tetley? Like the tea?"

"Ah yes."

"I like mine black and strong is that you?"

"Ha-ha, ah no sir I'm sweet and white and how may I help you today?" Breanne sat up straighter at her desk. Sure she had heard them all when it came to her famous tea surname all except this one. The quick riposte with the deep, strong, sexy voice brought a genuine smile and instantly lightened the heavy load of responsibility resting on her.

"I would like to dispute a charge on my account?"

"Certainly, I can take a look at that for you. Could I please start by confirming your full name, date of birth and address?" Back in familiar territory Breanne launched into a privacy check.

"And why would you need all of those details? I put in my account number on the phone surely you have everything you need in front of you?"

Sexy flirt to disgruntled customer in less than a minute. Always the professional Breanne launched into her regular spiel. "For privacy reasons I need to ensure that I am speaking to the correct person, the owner of this account. It is to protect your privacy. This is something we take very seriously here at LSS."

"Greg Smith, tenth of October, nineteen seventy and five Clyde Street," stated the semi annoyed voice.

Breanne checked the details supplied against the account that had popped up in front of her. Screen pops when they worked saved a lot of time trying to locate a customer in the system. The details supplied matched; however, with his hint of a European accent this man simply did not sound like a Greg Smith. Breanne knew though that her role required her not to pass judgement or prejudice and that as long as he correctly responded to her questions she should continue on with the call.

"Thank you Mr Smith." Normally Breanne would ask if she could now use the customer's first name to help build rapport throughout the call. However, given that this seemed likely to build into a complaint call Breanne opted to continue using his surname. "I now have your account in front of me. Oh and I can see that it appears your last transaction with us was charged twice!"

"Exactly the reason for my call," he stated still sounding a little heated.

"I'm terribly sorry it appears that your order was keyed in twice. This also means that the courier will be on its way with two romance hampers for you," Breanne had to stifle a giggle. This man with his flickering moods sounded like a romance pack certainly wouldn't do him any harm.

"Ahem, well I certainly won't need two romance packs in fact I highly doubt I need any. Cancel my order,"" he demanded.

"Oh, that would be a real shame Mr Smith. The romance hamper is just divine. We supply everything in the pack for you to set up a romantic evening. The pack includes: a sumptuous three course dinner; a blissful bath package complete with candles, bath scents and champagne and of course petals, candles and chocolates which can be used for a seductive bedroom setting or perhaps in a lounge room area in front of a fire. The best part of this pack is that you can upgrade to include a personal chef, butler, chauffeur, masseuse or musician to add an out of this world experience for your someone special", Breanne loved this pack it was her personal favourite to sell and she was always very animated when discussing it. Her life was sorely lacking in the romance department and selling this pack gave her a chance to live vicariously through her customers experiences. Breanne believed that many people were not naturally creative when it came to romance; however, this did not mean that they shouldn't be able to have an idyllic moment; they simply needed a little help.

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