A Family Completed

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Httyd2 AU Stoick never died the plasma blast missed

The haddock family was finally back together. Hiccup, Stoick, valka and Gobber where all sitting around the watch tower where Gobber used to tell hiccup and his friends about his dragon adventures. Although Gobber was not a blood relative he was always their for Hiccup and Stoick so he really was considered family.

The 4 vikings where roasting their chicken and fish whilst telling stories the laughter from the 4 vikings could be heard through out the village.

"So at the end it was really Tuffnut who invented Dragon racing" (dawn of the dragon racers)

"Well from what I've seen of the dragon racing it looks great but I did also notice 2 boys putting the sheeps into a blondes basket" Valka told her son.

"Oh the 2 boys would be Fishlegs and Snoutlout and the girl is Ruffnut she is Tuffnuts twin sister. Fish and Snout are competing for Ruffs attention since she's the last single girl" Hiccup explained to his newly found Mother.

"Mm I see so Hiccup I have a question for you my boy" Valka told him.

"What would that be?" Hiccup asked.

"Who was the girl who you passionately kissed today after the battle" Valka asked wriggling her eye brows. Stoick and Gobber just scoffed while the boy blushed.

"Oh um yeah that was Astrid my um girlfriend" Hiccup answered his mother shyly.

"Well I wouldn't say girlfriend more like wife to be" Stoick added. When hearing this Hiccup jumped out of his seat and put his hands up in defense.

"Wait we aren't even engaged yet dad" Hiccup said.

"Pfft yet" Gobber joked. The adult vikings burst into laughter at the Blushing young man.

"Well what are you doing go get my Future daughter in law to come and join us" Valka said swallowing her last bit of laughter. Hiccup nodded and rushed down to get to Astrids house.

With Hiccup and Astrid

Hiccup reached the Hofferson household and knocked on the door



"Coming" could be heard from the inside of the house. Astrid opened her door the reveal her long time Boyfriend.

"Hey Babe" Astrid greeted while opening the door to invite him inside which Hiccup did.

"Hello milady" Hiccup said and kissed her on the cheek lightly. Astrid only giggled.

"So I would like to invite you to have dinner with me, mum, dad and Gobber up at the watch tower" Hiccup asked his girlfriend. Astrid linked hand with hiccups.

"I'd love too" Astrid told him and kissed his cheek. the Two love sick vikings walked hand in hand out of the house and walked up to the watch tower.

Back at the watch tower

Hiccup and Astrid walked up the stairs of the watch tower but Astrid stopped them.

"Hey what's wrong" Hiccup asked in a concern thoughtful voice.

"What if your mum doesn't approve? Astrid asked nervously. Hiccup put is hands gently on her shoulders and kissed her nose.

"Don't worry my mum will love you just as much as I do" Hiccup said. Astrud loved how He could calm her down quickly. hiccup kissed her on the lips. after a moment Astrid kissed him back. Hiccup placed his hands in Astrids waist while she put her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

"Oh really you two" Gobbers voice interrupted the lovers moment. Hiccup and Astrid untangled themselves and blushed.

"Next time go some where private just please not the forge" Gobber shivered remembering the moment. The three vikings walked up to the seating area.

"Oh mum id like you to meet Astrid" Hiccup told his mother. Astrid put her arm out for her to shake which she complied happily.

"Oh she's beautiful take a seat darling" Valka announced making Astrid smile. Astrid sat next hiccup with the fingers still connected.

"So how long have you two been together" Valka asked the couple who smiled.

"5 years officially and 4 unofficial" Astrid answered.

"What do you mean by unofficial?" Valka asked.

"Oh well we both liked each other for a year and where best friends but both couldn't admit to it" Astrid explained while smiling shyly. Hiccup blushed recalling the memories.

"Oh yep i remember those times aye Gobber" Stoick chuckled.

"I definitely remember the flirting, the teasing and some kissing" Gobber said slyly wiggling his eyebrows at the two who blushed. The adult vikings laughed at the blushing couple.

"Well Astrid Hofferson I--" Valka was cut of by the voice of her husband.

"Soon to be haddock" Stoick added.

"Dad!!!!" Hiccup groaned. Astrid blushed and the adults giggled. That continued with more teasing and laughter as the haddock family was now complete.

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