Paint fight

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A few hours ago Snoutlout dared Ruffnut and Tuffnut to blow up something. The twins decided to blow up a cart full of apples. The explosion freaked out a nadder and the nadder shot spines at a nightmare they blew fire all over the dragon stables.
The twins and Snoutlout where put on dragon pen duty for a month and also had to help the other teens rebuild and repaint the stabbles. Since 3 stabbles where destroyed and their was 6 teens they went in pairs. Snoutlout and Ruffnut did the stable next to the great hall, Fishlegs and Tuffnut repaired the one near the training academy and Astrid and Hiccup did the one in the centre of the village.
It wasn't very often Hiccup and Astrid got to pair up because they were the only responsible and reliant teens so they always had to watch the others. It might seem like Hiccup and Astrid were a couple but they weren't but it would happen eventually. Everyone but two people in the village Kew that Astrid likes Hiccup and Hiccip Limes Astrid the only two people who didn't know this was Hiccup and Astrid. Since Hiccup and Astrid were best friends they often tease each other or playfully hit one another the village classified their teasing as "flirting".

Currently Hiccup and Astrid were carting out yellow, blue and red paint out from the forge to use on the stables. After 15 minutes of painting and conversation Hiccup and Astrid had finished one side and moved on the next.

"Oh gods my hand hurts...." Hiccup was talking to Astrid and suddenly stopped has he felt a cool touch on his cheek. Hiccup looked as Astrid with shock. Astrid had place a big dot of red paint on his left cheek. Astrid grinned playfully and added another red dot to his right cheek. Astrid giggled at Hiccups reaction. Hiccup suddenly smiled as he had a mischievous plan. Hiccup dabbed his brush into the blue and looked other at the giggling Astrid and painted a straight line going from her forehead to her chin. Astrid stopped giggling and gasped at Hiccups revenues. Hiccup tried to hold in his laughter but soon gave up and broke down into hysterics.

Astrid looked over at her best friend and picked up the red bucket and pored it all over hiccup till the red content was all over him every last red drop. Hiccup stopped laughing and slowly looked over at Astrid. Astrid was on the ground laughing her head off.

"I-I alw-ays knew red was your colour. Astrid chocked out of her laughter. Astrids breathing got a lot more eveier as she continued to laugh. Hiccul still in shock and covered in red paint turned his head and saw a full bucket of yellow paint. Hiccup took the opportunity and picked up the yellow bucket Astrid was about ask what he was doing but it was to late she was drenched in yellow paint.

"HICCUP HORRENDOUS HADDOCK THE THIRD IAM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!" Astrid screeched at the haddock boy who was standing and grinning as Astrid got up from the ground.

"I have to say milady you do look good in yellow" Hiccup mocked the yellow girl. Astrid wiped some paint off her self and put it on Hiccups face. Astrid grinned happily.

"Hey Astrid guess what" Hiccup asked the girl whilst smiling.

"What" the girl replied cautiously. Hiccup flashed her grin and said ....

"I need a hug" once hearing those words Astrid knew what Hiccup was up to so she started to back away but it was to late. Hiccup had caught her around the waist and embraced her into his arms. The blonde girl just laughed at his silliness and also felt quite comfortable in his embrace she blushed at her thoughts. Hiccup was laughing at the girl who was laughing trying to escape. The wi continued to to laugh until Hiccup did a very hiccupy thing and lost his balance and fell into the ground taking Astrid with him.

"WHOOMPH!!!" Hiccup and Astrid landed on the floor with a thud. Hiccup swallowed his last bit of laughter and open his eyes to find Astrud hovering on top of him blushing. The odd thing was that neither of them pulled away they both just leaned in closer. They felt their noses touch and just as they were about to kiss....

"A-ahem" a small fake cough got the 2 teens attention. Both teens turned the heads to find Stoick, Gobber, Astrids mother and half of the village it seems that their squeals of laughter caught some attention. Both teens look at each other and blush and moved apart and awkwardly stand up still having paint covered all over them. Every looked at them waiting for an explanation. the two teens looked at each other and walked back up to the dragon star in silence.

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