Heels and Guns

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Title: Heels and Guns (Guns and Heels)

Genre: Teen Fiction, Other


Killer Kate and the Black Widows may come across as sweet and innocent at first glance, but they are not the gang to mess with. Killer Kate, her nickname referring to her looks, struts around New York City with the wind at her back and also a gun. After meeting a mysterious man in a fadora at a club, Kate can't seem to shake him out of her mind. Maybe because moments after she met him her life and her gang began spiraling out of control.


Chapter 1 

I stared down at the sidewalk through my sunglasses, my boots thudding against the cement and my hands dug deep into my leather jacket pockets. The streets were bustling with people and backed up with taxis, all yelling or beeping their horns. Sky scrapers rose from the ground, stretching for the endless blue sky. The smell of gas, smoke, and hot dogs filled the humid, mid-summer air. 

 I slid into an alley, feeling the warmth of the sun instantly disappear, the rising sky scrapers on either side of me blocking it out. The sounds faded behind me, replaced with the squeaking rats and the echoing of my boots on the moist ground. The smells had passed as well; the air smelling of trash and urine, making me wrinkle my nose and my eyes water. You'd think I'd be used to that smell after passing down this alley for almost seven years, huh?  

 But now there was a new smell, the smell of after shave and cologne. Before I could let it process through my mind, I felt a strong arm grab me, my back pressed against the sticky brick wall and a blade pressed to my neck. The sounds of men chuckling filled my ears and my eyes met a pair of dark, icy blue ones.

 Alexander Vandette. 

"What do you want Alex? You're outta your territory," I growled. The two men, who I recognized as Ryan Jackson and Daniel Crawford, laughed loudly behind him as he just smirked down at me. 

"Well hello to you too, Killer Kate," he grinned. "What? Is a guy not allowed to roam the streets of New York and pay an old friend a visit?"

 "I dumped you and your gang a while ago, Alex, get off my back," I said, trying to slip out of his grip, but he pressed the blade harder against my neck, almost leaving a small cut just beneath my jaw. I winced, trying to press back farther away from it.

            "That don't mean I can't drop by and say 'hey' every once and a while, does it?" I narrowed my eyes, continuing to glare into his sly ones. 

"No, it just means you're gonna get hurt," I hissed. The three of them laughed loudly and I took that as an opportunity to jet my knee out into Alex's pride and joy. He winced, moaning as he doubled over. I slid by him, running down the alley. I didn't make it far before Ryan grabbed me by the back of my shirt, pulling me back. He stood in front of me now and Daniel stood behind me, blocking both my exits.  

Ryan took a swing at me, which I swiftly avoided, but I wasn't as lucky when he kicked my shins, sending me falling onto my butt. Daniel grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up, shoving me back against the brick wall once more.  

"You little..." he swore, bringing his fist back. I shut my eyes, waiting for the hit.

 "Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" a familiar voice yelled. I looked up to see Sugar standing behind Daniel. Daniel glanced back at her and Sugar's fist connected with the side of his face.

"Hey there, ugly! Wassup?" Cherry grinned, swinging her foot up into Ryan's face. He staggered back, clutching his jaw that now had an impression of the bottom of Cherry's heel. He quickly came back at us, though, looking pissed. But before he had the chance to swing, Cherry kicked him in the stomach, Ryan doubling over. 

            "Get outta here, you son of a b*tch," Cherry snarled, giving him a kick in the ass. We laughed, watching him stumble forward onto his face before scrambling up and sprinting out of the alley, dragging a very pissed Alex with him. 

"I don't wanna see yo' dirty faces on dis side of New York ever again!" Cherry screamed after them. 

            "Damn, I broke a heel," Sugar whined, taking off one of her high heels, holding it in one hand and the heel in the other.

            "Relax, you got like thirty more," Vixen said, walking up with Angel beside her. 

            "Actually, only thirty-six more, but these were my favorite pair,"  Sugar sighed, taking off her other one and tossing them into the dumpster. I rolled my eyes; guess there was no point in fixing them now.

            "You alright, Kate?" Angel asked, her bright blue eyes looking up at me with concern.

            "Yeah, just a cut. Thanks guys," I smiled, looking at all of them. 

"No prob. The West Side Boys need to learn they ain't welcome on our side o' New York," Vixen chuckled, running a hand through her black, red streaked hair. 

"This is Black Widow territory. Those boys need ta get their heads outta their asses and think straight. They ain't welcome here as long as we're around." Sugar said, putting a cigarette to her lips as she leaned back against the brick wall. 

"True dat!" I grinned. 

"Amen!" Angel and Cherry added.

Book of SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora