Love Birds (Posted on Gothem_Girl)

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Title: Love Birds

Genre: Fan Fiction, Romance, Mystery, Action


The Dark Knight. Batman. The somewhat-Goody-Two-Shoes of Gotham. Of course accompanied with Boy Wonder, Robin. Every night, they clash against the masterminding Penguin, the thieving Catwoman, and the psychotic Joker. But never have they clashed against a fifteen-year-old girl who is notoriously known as The Raven. She was just a simple low-time thief until she makes a deal with a big-shot pyscho. Not only is she threatening half of Gotham City, she's caught the eye of our Boy Wonder.


I perched myself on the ledge of the towering skyscraper, a gentle breeze blew a few strands of midnight black hair across my face. Below me, car horns blared loudly and the laughter of people flew up into the air towards the night sky. My eyes cautiously scanned the buildings around me, trying to detect anything unnatural. It was Gotham City after all. We’ve got everything from homicidal clowns to overgrown bats.

I slowly stood from my perch and hastily walked along the edge, locking my eyes on the roof of the next building about five feet away from the one I stood on. I picked up my speed to a brisk walk, then a run, catching wind as I ran out of solid ground and jumped over the gasping alley that separated the buildings, finding myself on the next one, then the next one, then the next one, jumping over allies and side streets. As easy as a game of hopscotch. However, I wouldn’t recommend you try this at home. My muscles were quite used to the motion and my nerves no longer reacted from the fact I was sustained in air for a few seconds over a several story drop to concrete below. Yup, just another human freak in Gotham.

A scream broke through the air and I came to a halt, peering below me into the gloomy and dark alley. A man had a gun pointed at a woman backed against the wall, his hand extended towards the woman’s large purse. Without a second thought, I lunged off the roof, falling through air for three seconds and colliding with the mugger, tackling him to the ground. The woman screamed again before she fainted, not realizing I was playing the good guy.

I delivered a punch across the man’s gruff face before he knocked me upside the head with the barrel of his gun. Taking me off guard with a pounding headache and wavering vision, the hoodlum returned a punch and sent me flying into the brick wall, blood starting to ooze from the gun impression on my forehead.

            “Hey, hasn’t your momma ever told you to treat a girl with respect?” I hissed as I pounced for him again, swinging my foot up into his jaw before dropping to deliver a kick to his ankles, knocking him off balance and onto his butt.

            “Someone needs a good and long time out to think about what he’s done,” I grinned as I brought my foot back down on his head, not hard enough to kick his face in, but enough to knock him out cold with a broken nose. Just in time too; the police sirens were already growing louder.

            “And now, a tip in appreciation,” I smiled to myself reaching for the woman’s purse that lay open on the cement floor, plucking out fifty dollars. What? A good deed shouldn’t go without a little gratitude.

Just as the first police cruiser pulled up, I hopped up the fire escape with a series of acrobatic flips and sprinted off, continuing my building hopping and criminal hunting.

            “I knew ravens were scavengers, but that’s a little low, don’t you think?” A deep voice scolded me from behind. I spun around to meet the masked face of the notorious Batman, draped in his dark attire like always. Oh, how I hate our little run-ins.

            “Long time no see, Bats. Tell me, how’ve you been?” I greeted warmly, attempting to change the subject. He simply stared at me with a solid expression. That’s all you would ever get out of Batman. He wasn’t exactly a joker. Or The Joker for that matter.

            “Still haven’t changed your thieving ways I see,” he said, crossing his muscled arms. I rolled my eyes with annoyance; our same old routine.

            “Listen, Bats, we play by different sets of rules. You do justice from the heart and yadda yadda,” I gagged for emphasize, but his eyes just narrowed. “And I do justice for a price. Either way, Bats, it’s justice.”

            “That’s not how I see it,” he replied indifferently as he extended his hand expectantly, just waiting for me to cough up the money. You’d think after hundreds of meets like this, he’d know the way I play.

            “Why you always got to be the goody-two-shoes, Bats? Takes the fun out of things,” I sighed, debating with myself whether or not just to get our little disagreement over with and hand it to him or try and make a run for it.

            “Hand it over,” he demanded, his voice dripping with impatience. I blew out a breath as I returned him a twenty from the fifty. He didn’t even blink before he added, “all of it.”

            “Real boy scout,” I mocked as I dropped him the rest, feeling the emptiness in my pockets. Well, back to being broke in less than ten minutes. That’s certainly a new record. Maybe I could do a little pick-pocketing of my own before the night ends.

            “Maybe you should try it sometime,” he remarked before turning around and heading back towards the red and blue flashing lights. Of course he was going back to return the big bucks I so righteously earned.

            “I’ll be lil’ miss perfect when The Joker frowns,” I called back at him before jumping off the roof and continuing my night running on earth.

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