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Title: Unknown (Possibly: Wicked Bones /Wicked Blood/ Wickedly Twisted/ Forbidden Blood/ Blood Runs Black/ Charisma/ Circe's Heir/ House of Shadows/ House of Howls/ House of Darkness/ House of Wolves/ House of Spells/  Hunter's Moon/ Purple Eclipse/ Earthshine/ Midnight Magic (Ideas appreciated)

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Action, Romance

Description: (Greek God Story) Azula Magia hates her name. It's different and odd and she gets laughed at for it. To top it off, it translates in Hindi to "demon" which is exactly what she thinks she is sometimes. Only she couldn't be closer to the truth.

Attacked suddenly just outside school, Azula thinks she's being punked when a mysterious boy corners her and threatens that of she doesn't leave him alone, he'll kill her. But Azula's never met him before and doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

Until a strange girl tells a Azula something that will forever change her life.


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