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Midoriya's POV

One month later

My pen scratches against the paper. I write down all the words in my head, until there are non more to write. I lean back

"That's one homework assignment done." I sigh. Just then, I feel nauseated. I push my chair back, and race for the bathroom.

I sit up after throwing up the contents of my stomach, and rub at where a small bump is forming.

"I know you hate sitting still, but can you please be good for dada?" I whisper to my child.

I force myself up again, and go back to my desk. The work seems like a lot of work late at night. My eyes wander to the time.

Eleven thirty-nine. I should probably be going to sleep.

I close the laptop. My body leans back in the chair before I force myself to stand up again.

I pull off the robe I was wearing to a reveal my soft, light blue nightclothes. My mouth opens in a yawn. I flop backwards onto bed, then pull the warm All Might covers over me.

I rub my stomach, thinking of my future child.



I wake up, blinking sleepily. I see my curtains pulled open, and smell waffles with fruit.

"Sho-kun?" I ask sleepily. I feel a kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning. You have to meet the League today." He whispers. I nod, remembering that I have to visit them on a regular basis.

I sit up, and Sho places a plate with waffles and fruit on it. I devour the delicious meal while Sho picks out an outfit for me.

I pick up the clothes, thank Sho-kun, and go to shower.

The warm water washes over my bare body. I put my hands on the small bump forming. I was hoping for a baby boy, and Sho-kun wanted a little girl.

I turn off the water, and dry myself of. I dress in the clothes, which includes a large, baby pink hoodie, a black top with All Might on the front, and a comfy pair of shorts. The hoodie was so large, it went down to my knees, and covered my hands. (This gives me Mitsuba vibes.)

I go out to see Sho-kun in a jacket and blue jeans. He walks over to me, and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Are you ready to go, Izu?" He asks. I nod, and we leave the building.

The bus ride seems longer than usual. I guess it's fear. At the same time, it feels like a blur before we are standing before the entrance to the league's hideout.

I cautiously walk in, one hand on my stomach, the other holding Sho's hand.

"Midoriya. I assume the experiment is successful?" The familiar voice of Shigaraki asks. I snuggle into Sho for support, then nod cautiously.

"Very good. Kurogiri will check everything out, and I will see you after you've given birth, with the child, alone. If you fail to obey this, I will kill your family, and you will rejoin the league. Am I clear?"


Word count: 520

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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